Chapter 2. First Day

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**Third Person's P.O.V**

As the bell rang, Everyone left the classroom and teens of all ages from 13-18(or 19) filled the hallways of the school, quickly rushing to grab their books and such for their next class.

Rose and Krystal quickly grabbed their backpacks and instantly started walking towards their next class/classes.


"What class do you have next?" Krystal asks Rose as she pulls out her schedule.

"I have.... Ugh. Music" Rose says as she looks at her own schedule

"They better not make us sing and crap..." Rose grumbles angrily

"Well. Looks like we have the same class then, at least you won't suffer alone!" Krystal says sarcastically with a sigh.

"Mmhmm.. Can't, wait." Rose responds whilst rolling her eyes.

"Now we just actually have to FIND the music room"

"Shoot!" Rose mutters as she grabs Krystal's wrist and runs off into another hallway


***Timeskip cause Kinae isn't helping me***

As the bell rings again, signalling that next period has started, the girls quickly rush into the Music room and find their seats, hoping for this to be over as soon as possible before one of them falls asleep.

"Alright class! My Name is Mrs. Florence! Or Professor Florence! And today, I'm gonna be teaching you how to write, and sing A songs!" A teacher with waist-length light brown hair with a bright flower crown, somwhat cheerful brown eyes and a calf long blue dress with a... Kinda creepy, cheerful smile says.

"She's kinda creepy..." Rose whispers to Krystal who's sitting next to her, whilst snickering a bit, Krystal let's out an amused grin and hold in a small chuckle, whilst the teacher-- Professor Florence, hears Rose snickering quietly, and turns her head towards where Krystal and Rose are sitting and slightly glares at Rose before letting out another one of her 'too cheerful' smiles at starts towards where Rose and Krystal are sitting.

Krystal quickly, sits up a bit strainer and nudges Rose a bit, as soon as Rose sees the teacher, she quickly shuts up but doesn't hide the small smirk that's making its way onto her lips as a few other students turn their attention towards Rose and Krystal as they see they teacher approach them.

"Do you have something you Want to Share? Ms. Fluer?" Professor Florence says with and eyebrow raised

"No ma'am" Rose says with a small smirk, as a few other kids in the class snicker a bit.

"Very well then..." The teacher slowly walks towards the middle of the classroom

"Now then. You will be working in partners--" the teacher starts but gets interrupted by the students cheering

"But! I will choose who works with who" Professor Florence says with a smirk as everyone either let's out a huff or starts complaining.

"Let's get started then! Now... Rachel, and Aris." She calls out, as a girl from their first class stands up and walks towards a boy in the back row.

"Good. Now then... Frypan and Winston."
Two boys that are sitting next to each other, turn to each other and smile whilst fist-bumping then turn back to the teacher with smiles and smirks on their faces.
"Kora and Chuck"
Krystal perks up a bit at hearing her brothers name, she narrows her eyes at a girl with light brown hair and sweet, caramel brown eyes as she stands up and walks towards her brother, Krystal's eyes soften as she realises that Chuck and Kora are the same age, and sees them smile at each other as Kora sits down next to Chuck with a shy smile on her face.
Krystal smiles as she see's her younger brother blush a little.

"How cute... Now, Brenda and Jordan" (Not an actual character but since it's high school, why not?)
"Okay! So-- huh- what? Oh! Yes!" Brenda stands up with a smile, picks up her camera and walks towards a boy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes and sits down next to him
'She must be happy with who she's working with' Both Krystal and Rose think to themselves

"Now, Rose and Gally" The Teacher speaks up.
Rose's eyes widen, as she sits up straighter,
"What!?" She says, seemingly unhappy
"Rose and Gally!" Professor Florence says a bit more strictly
"Yeesh! Okay, fine." Rose mumbles as she goes and sits next to Gally, she looks at Krystal and sees that she has a big smirk plastered on her face. Rose responds by sticking her tongue out at her.

"Now. Maria and Kinaé."
Two girls from the back row cheer silently and hi-five each other happily.

"Okay, so... Harriet and Sonya" The Teacher continues
Sonya looks up from her phone at hearing her name, then goes back to it whilst Harriet smirks at Krystal and Rose,
'I don't think she likes us...' Krystal thinks to herself
'What did we ever do to her?' Rose thinks at the same time
"Minho and Krystal" The teacher calls out, Krystal's face fills with shock, she then shoots the Teacher a look as if saying 'What the hell!? Why!?'
Krystal looks towards Rose and sees her smirking, she then turns her attention back to Harriet who's smirk has fallen and is replaced by a scowl.
Minho walks over and sits next to Krystal in silence, as Class continues.
"Okay. Now that you have your partners, I'm assigning you all a task to write a song, or Do a cover for it. I want it in by The day after Tomorrow, which is Wednesday" Professor Florence explains in a somewhat sweet tone with one of her 'too cheery' smiles.
*School ends*
"FREEDOM!!!" Rose yells as she runs out of the School gates with her arms outstretched
Krystal soon runs up behind her, laughing
"Hahaha! C'mon Rose! It wasn't that bad" Krystal says, recovering from laughing to much
"That Bad" Rose points out as she crosses her arms over her chest and points an accusing finger at Krystal
"Okay! Okay... Haha! Come on, let's head home, CHUCK! C'MON!" Krystal yells out to Chuck, Who was currently talking to Kora, Chuck waves at Kora as he runs towards his older sister and her best friend.
"Hey Chuckie! Who was that?" Krystal asks with a teasing smirk
"That's Kora... I'm partnered up with her in music" he says with a smile
"Awe! My little Chuckie's Already got a crush! How cute!" Krystal Teases Chuck
"I-I do not!"
"Alright you two, no fighting" Rose cuts in
"Yes, Mother!" Chuck and Krystal says at the same time with smirks and knowing looks.

It was silence for a moment, before all three of them burst out laughing and started joking about and talking all they way back to their house.
"Alright Chuck, time to hit the hay" Krystal says as she walks over to the living room, towards Chuck and ruffles up his hair
"What!? You get to stay up late!" He argues
"Hey, Rose and I are going to bed too! We've gotta long day tomorrow" Krystal reasons as she turns off the T.V
"Fine. G'Night sis! G'NIGHT ROSE!" Chuck says, As he gets a 'GOODNIGHT CHUCK!' From Rose who was in the kitchen. He hugs his sister then runs of to his room.

"C'mon Rose, That goes for you too." Krystal says with a small smile as she sees Rose enter the living room.

"Yeah yeah, Big day tomorrow. G'Night Kryst" Rose says with a small smile as she give Her best friend an one armed hug
"Night Rose" Krystal says as she returns the one armed hug.
They both head upstairs and go into their own rooms, falling into a peaceful sleep, wondering about the activities that the next day could hold, and what new friends, they might make.

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