Where Magic was Born

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"Beauty? Where are you taking me?" I started to wonder what she was doing. "We were supposed to return to the camp." We were riding through the mountains and I couldn't recognize these forests.

Beauty just kept up her galloping pace.

"Beauty? I need to know where I am, if there is any way for me to create a portal back to the camp. Beauty?" I clung to her neck, tightly. I had chosen to ride her bareback, so pulling on her reins wasn't an option. I could jump off of her back, but she would have left me in her dust, alone.

Beauty answered me, but it wasn't in so many words, given she was a horse.

Then I found myself face to face with the dragon.

"Beauty?!" I panicked.

The dragon was calm and raised its tail to permit my entry to a cavern.

I knew that I was doing exactly what it wanted and it would attack, if I tried to resist.

Beauty led me deeper down into the heart of the same mountain that we had found Kat. I didn't know that there was this entrance before. It was very secretly hidden.

The glowing crystals became more abundant and I started to feel that I was trotting through one giant crystal. I found myself in a mystical dome. It was mesmerising. The crystals were in many colors, shapes and sizes. I just stared in awe. "This is so beautiful..."

Beauty snorted in agreement.

My eyes landed on a palace in the center, made completely out of translucent crystals. It looked so much like glass. I must be dreaming. The water poured in through the walls and created a sparkling effect, where the reflected light danced off the crystals and water. The surrounding pool glistened and I never wanted to leave this place. The archway was dazzling me, with crystal formations, that looked like roses. The draw bridge, looked like frozen ice, that sparkled radiantly from the mystical colors that surrounded it. As we trotted along, any crystals that I came near, would glow brighter.

Queen Kiki came out of the castle. "Welcome to the birthplace of magic itself."

My eyes went wide as Beauty trotted closer to the Evil Queen. "Traitor..." I mumbled to Beauty.

She snorted again, but then I saw that even though she may not have been obeying me, her submissive attitude told me, that she wasn't doing this because she wanted to.

My thoughts turned to the queen. "Why did you bring me here?"

"You're the final key." The queen smirked maliciously.

"The f-inal... key...?" I hesitated. "Key for what?!"

"All in good time. Come. You are my guest. Please make yourself at home." The crystals near the queen, filled with darkness and I realized that the crystals were reflecting our own hearts.

I knew that I didn't have a choice, but to follow her. Besides, my little brother and Mitsuhide might be here somewhere. I entered the castle and followed her to the dining room.

"You must be hungry. Come eat." Queen Kiki took her seat at one end of the table.

I sat at the other. "I wouldn't trust anything you have to offer. It could be poisoned!"

"I assure you that is not the case. Our worlds coexist with each other. Our world balance is held in place by yours. Have you ever wondered why the same people exist in this world as yours, but have been brought together without that same love in their hearts?"

"I'm listening."

"What happens in your world must happen in ours. If not, the connection to your world is severed and great tragedies are inevitable. Magic in our world has made it possible to keep the same loop going. To prevent an existence, means that the being from your world must be sacrificed, to change the flow of time. That is why great destruction occurs when someone tries to manipulate its flow, otherwise."

Mystical Cariparell (The Pink Blossom Series: Magical Twist)Where stories live. Discover now