All Things in Good Time

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We had finally returned to Wistal Castle in the magic world, after visiting ours again and watched as the ruins were turned back to their former glory. The citizens gathered around her gates. Everyone of us was dressed in the finest wares and we stood on the balcony, overlooking the crowd.

The queen wore her crown and addressed the people. "Citizens of Cariparell, I would like to return this land to its former glory! This land shall not be known as Cariparell from this day forward, but will be returned to Clarines! Today, I will return the crown to its rightful heir, Princess Miko! Forever will her days be lived out in peace and harmony, side by side, with her people!" Queen Kiki took off her own crown and placed it on Miko's head. She whispered to Miko, "She will be a better queen than I ever was."

Princess Miko gave her a hug and then turned to her people. "I think I now understand what magic really means! There is good in this world, but it will never be without its adversaries! We can rise against it, but it was something that was meant to be beautiful! Just as love creates it, there it is meant to stay! Citizens of Clarines, I do not want to return it to its former glory..."

Everyone was shocked by her saying so.

"... I want to make it better! From this day forward, I revoke the laws of arranged marriage and will make a new law in its place! That marriage is for the many who desire it, for their own reasons!" Miko was so graceful in her presentation. "And I extend a warm hand to my guests from the other realm. You are welcome here whenever you desire! So, with the help of our people, we present this to you!" Miko handed Zen a book.

"What is it?" Shirayuki asked.

"This book will allow all who open it, to gain access to the permanent portal gate that I have created for you. It can only be accessed in this book. It will be able to keep our worlds connected till the end of time." Miko explained.

"That means..." Kat and Desti exchanged glances. "... we can see our parents?"

"Only if the prince sees fit to allow it." Miko gave a sad smile. "I appreciate all that you have done for us, here in Clarines. I will never forget you. No one will."

Zen turned to Miko. "Stay safe."

"Don't you worry, Master. She will be well looked after." Obi bowed.

"That is good to hear. Till we meet again, Miko." Zen received a hug from her before he would leave through the mirror's portal that was brought here to send them off.

Shirayuki hugged her too. "You know where to find us, if you ever need anything."

Miko nodded. She watched closely as Zen and Shirayuki holding Amari, left through the portal and disappeared from their view.

I approached her next, with Desti by my side.

"Promise me that you will stay true to your heart. Don't let anyone keep you from your true love." Miko smiled at Desti.

"I won't." Then I hinted to Deston. "You have to find your own true love. You don't hold yourself back either."

Miko smiled cheekily. "I will keep that in mind." Then she got out of our way. "Now go! Your world awaits your swift return."

I took Desti's hand in mine and we then left through the portal.

Mitsuhide looked back and forth between the two Kiki's. "I am in the dog house, aren't I?"

Kiki smirked. "That you are." She took Mitsuhide by the shoulder and pushed him towards the mirror. "It was an honour to served by your side." Kiki bowed towards Miko.

"No... I am honoured to have fought with you." Miko extended her hand and shook Kiki's.

Kiki and Mitsuhide then left through the portal.

"... good-bye... old friend..." The former queen watched as Mitsuhide left their world.

Kat looked down at her parents, remembering her meeting with them.

"Mom? Where is dad?" Kat asked.

"Last time I saw him, he was defending us from the Evil Queen's loyalists. I don't know whatever had become of him." Kita held her daughter close. "If he is alright, we'll find him." They entered the camp and her watery eyes met Tatsuno's.

"Kita! Katsumi!" Tatsuno ran towards them and pulled them in tightly. "You're alright... I'm so glad to hear that."

"This might be complicated, but you need to know that I am your daughter in another world. Your world's Katsumi is alright, though." Kat knew this wasn't going to last, but for the moment, she was happy.

"Then I suppose that makes us the luckiest parents in the world, because now we have two of you." Kita smiled.

"I guess it does." Kat returned to their arms.

"Kat?" Miko placed a tender hand on Kat's shoulder.

Kat's gaze met Miko's.

"Don't worry they will be here waiting for your next visit."

Kat pulled Miko into her embrace. "Thank you." As she was hugging Miko, she saw Katsumi down in the crowd, with her hand intertwined with Apollo's and they were giving each other googly eyes. "Fate really has a terrible sense of humour, that's for sure."

"Things will be better. I will protect magic. You just worry about Miko. I have a feeling she has a knack for getting into trouble." Miko winked to Kat.

"You would know." Kat smirked teasingly.

"I certainly would." Miko watched her friend disappear through the portal. "Until next time, my friends..."

The people cheered on their new queen. "Hail, Queen Miko! Hail! May Queen Miko's reign last forever!"


I found that everyone had been waiting for us to return. We were in huge trouble with the ministers and had tons of paperwork piled up on us.

The book that we were given by the new queen, was left in Zen's desk.

We talked about the other word and the beauties of magic, while we greatly anticipated the Queen's visits. But we were careful to whom, we shared that information. Everyone would have thought that we had gone mad.

The time to visit the magical world never came and we had long forgotten about it, after the queen didn't visit anymore.

The ghost of Miko's past was a new known legend in our castle and only the royals knew how silly that was.


A/N: Please give your reviews. I would love to hear about what my readers are thinking. Also this story will have a sequel, that will be introduced later on in our original series: Pink Blossom Series. The sequel is titled: Mystical Distortions.

Mystical Cariparell (The Pink Blossom Series: Magical Twist)Where stories live. Discover now