#31 Peter Pan

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Requested by -voidkhaleesi
Could you do a fluff and smut with peter please?

Warnings: Kinda (Fluff) and Smut

*Y/n's POV*

I pushed past the moking lost boys and walked angrily into the woods. They kept telling me how I am just a weak girl and cant fight. So i strode past Felix and Pan who just came back before stomping away.

"What was that?" Felix asked confused. Pan shook his head and asnwered with a sigh "Im gonna talk to her" He pushed his hands in his trousers and teleported himself away.


You angrily kicked rocks and branches away, then you sat down at the tree and crossed your arms with your head fallen back.

Your eyes closed and you sighed dissapointed and sad. "What's wrong, love?" a voice spoke next to you, you already knew it was Pan, leaning against the big tree you were currently sitting on.

"Nothing" you murmured, trying to sound convinced but your voice shook and trembled.

"Who are you trying to convince, me or you?" he smirked in your direction but it left his face as soon as he saw your cold expression.

"They mocking you again" he stated and stood back up, his shoulders tensing and his (sharp) jawline clenching. Then he grabbed my forearms harshly and pulled me up, letting me crash into his chest.

I looked up at him, scared at his sudden behaviour. Pan was very moody sometimes, changing from the cute little boy when he was with me to the heartless cold demon he was when the boys teased me a bit to hard. I knew what he was going to do. Punish them to make them stop; because of me. Suddenly i was angry even through he was just being protectiv it bothered me.

So i exploded "You think im weak, right?" It wasn't really a question more a statement. His face frowned and turned cold and his eyes bored into mine. His fists shook from the tight grip on his fingers. His eyes seemed to not even see me, he was so distant but so close. So i rambled on "You think i cant do this alone! Cant protect myself?" I threw my hands in the air and fidled with them wildly before I continued "Why? Is it because i'm a girl?" Then I stopped abruptly and let my arms fall back to my side. I sighed and furried my brows lightly. "Im gonna prove you wrong" where my last words before I slammed him into a tree, my lips sealed with his rough looking ones. They were quite soft, and after his shocked reaction faded i found him kissing roughly and needy back. He turned us around moving me up the tree with my legs opened and him between. His lips left mine and moved to leave sloopy kisses down my neck. I moaned girly and stopped again realising my mistake. I took all my (Me: not-existing) confidence and shove him onto the forest floor. Quickly i sat down on his lap, going back to kissing fiercly. His big hands moved uo my back under my shirt and his slender skilled fingers opened my bra as he tossed it behind him against a tree. I felt him trying to gain control again but i pushed him to lie down by his shoulders. His mouth fell open and a low growl came from the back of his throat. I started removing his belt and threw them also away. He popped up on his elbows and he ripped off my shirt. His hands held onto my hips again as i grinded down on his already hard crotch. His head fell back and he tried again to turn us around but i just let him sit up and helped him to undo his shirt. "Okay maybe i do underestimate you sometimes" he whispered against my pink lips. His lips moved back to my neck and he left his mark on me. After I pulled down his pants just enough to free his dick. I pulled my skirt up and pushed my panties aside, sinking down on his dick, feeling filled completly. His nails digged into my hip bones and mine into his shoulders. He helped me move up and down slowly, till we both got closer to our wanted climax. Soon his hands tightened even more, which caused gasps to leave your lungs between the loud moans. The movements got faster and faster till he finally gave one hard thrust up into you and you both came. You kept a slow pace to come down from your high and then he pulled out. He tiredly fell back onto the leaves and you cuddled up against him.

"Yeah you underrestimate me"


I hope you liked it even if its short

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