Chapter 6: Target Virus

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A/N: Gwah... it's so hard to actually think of a title. Because I always add like two parts in one chapter, and it's so hard to combine them into one title.

Anyways, here's Chappie 6


Chapter 6: Target Virus

Kuroko's POV

I sat atop the roof of a quiet neighbourhood. If BB Genius was right, and along with Unknown Psychic's data, then the most likely place that the Red Reaper would strike is somewhere in this district. I don't know how they calculated this place, but I trust them.

Hah, trust. That's a funny word to use this business. We could use that in basketball, but in this world, it's probably the last thing that can cross anyone's mind.

Trust would probably be my downfall one day. And then again, maybe not.

This Red Reaper has another thing coming if he thinks that he can get away with killing innocent families.

It was all silent.

This wasn't the first time I've hunted another killer. Usually, Unknown Psychic and BB Genius's calculations were right, but I've been sitting here for the past three hours. Maybe he's not striking tonight.

Just then, I saw movement.

I turned, and with the contact lenses that BB made, I zoomed in. Around 300 metres away from here, a man was walking along the streets. He wore a trench coat and a hat and mask. And with the contact lenses again, I saw something cold and metallic in the trench coat pocket.

Target locked.

I quickly stood up, and started running in that direction.

He was just standing there, in front of the house that his next targets are probably in. I watched him reach into his pocket for the gun.

I was about 50 metres away from him, on the roof, bent down. I pulled out my gun. Time to finish this.

I aimed it at the guy.

Goodbye Red Reaper.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger...




A bullet came straight at me. Thanks to my high alert awareness, it only narrowly missed my head. If I had been a millisecond slower, I would be dead.

I saw the Red Reaper holding a gun up, and looking straight at me.

I pulled the trigger, but he dodged it too. I fired again, but he just dodged it as well. This guy's an expert, that's for sure.

His eyes were still locked on me. He fired as well, but I easily got cover from the roof. Then with two jumps, he was on the roof of the house a few blocks away. And he pointed his gun at me.

Shit. I quickly ran, dodging the bullets as he chased after me. I fired back, but he dodged them as well. It became a game of shoot and dodge.

Then, I stopped running. Running from my target is just absolutely ridiculous.

He had stopped firing as well, and we were staring at each other, standing 30 metres. I couldn't see his face, but only the fact that he had red eyes. He was tall and large... He had that intimidating look in his eyes.

It appears that he's run out of ammo, which is good because so have I. Doesn't matter, who says I can't kill him in close combat?

He apparently had the same idea, because he came charging at me with a knife in hand.

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