Off, off Calligraphy

10 6 2

I'm not really having writer's block

I always have a lot to say

But I'm kind of keeping quiet lately

Keep it inside for a better day

What's the use of standing tall

And yelling through a megaphone

When you look down from your soapbox

And realize you are all alone

And why bother to write the greatest poem

The world has ever read

When all the lines of communication

Have been cut, this place is silent and dead

Not that this is a masterpiece

More like a piece of shit, I would say

But what the hell, because the truth is

No one will see it anyway

So, me, writer's block, not in this life

It's something a little flightier

It's not the writer who has the block

It's someone blocking the writer

June 34, 2457
(May as well be the date. Who is going to see anyway?)

Off, off Calligraphy. On to the next millennium. Perhaps there the problems have been solved.

(I dug this one out of the archives. It was written at an all time low for me here on Wattpad.)

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