Chapter 26

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Tristan's soft lips press against mine, making my breath catch in my throat. I lean up to make the kiss deeper, and have to bite my tongue in order not to moan. 

The soft grass under my hands remind me that we are on a soccer field, at school, with a bunch of people around us, specifically, my boyfriend

I push Tristan away and quickly look around, and when I see no one saw us, I release the breath that I had been holding in. I get up and give Tristan an awkward smile. "Um... bye." I say, running my fingers through my hair and jogging back into the building. 

What have I done? 

I whisk my phone out of my pocket and text Tristan. 

hi srry, can u forget about what just happened? i shouldn't have done it :( - a 

I rub the bridge of my nose, and open my locker to grab my clothes. I changed into black jeans, a black tank top and a green jacket, and braided my hair, also adding a grey beanie to complete the look. I struggled to get on my white converse, and finally I was ready to go home. 

Over the weekend, I got a temporary motorcycle license, so I was able to drive my baby over to school. I hop on the bike and place the helmet over my head. 

The only con about having a motorcycle is it doesn't have a radio, but thankfully I have earbuds and spotify on my phone. 

Cruising down the highway, I have to stop at a red light. I hear a few cat calls next to me, and a red lamborghini drives up next to me. "Hey, sexy." A guy in his mid twenties says to me with a flirty grin. I look at him in disgust, but also blush. 

When the light turns green, I drive away and flip him off. I finally get home and stop the motorcycle. I swing my leg over the side and grab my back before heading inside. 

When I get inside, I see my Mom looking at me with a very questionable look. "Honey, why are you wearing a motorcycle helmet?" I laugh when I realize I hadn't told her about the bike. But I can't let her know about Charlie... 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... I got a motorcycle! It was a gift for my birthday." My mom gives me a suspicious look, but nods anyway. "That's a really nice and expensive gift. Who got it for you?" At that point I just walk out of the room even though I can hear her calling my name. 

I try to finish my homework, which consisted in banging my head on my desk and cursing. 

Finally I just give up and open my computer, sitting on my bed looking at Facebook.

I wouldn't call myself a stalker, but I just started to look at all of Tristan's followers, seeing their pictures. I glance at one of them, and my mouth drops open. 

I see Tristan, shirtless, while a girl hugs him from behind, winking in the picture. 




Tristan's POV

I drove up the driveway to my mansion, the dumbfounded look still on my face. I kissed her. And she kissed me back. That must mean something, right? But then why is she with Charlie?? Ugh. I pounded my head on the steering wheel. 

Why do girls have to be so confusing? 

"Master Tristan, welcome home." The family butler says to me, opening my door, and I try not to glare at him. 

"For the millionth time, don't call me that!!" I snap, and he backs away. I throw open the large doors and sprint up to my room. I slam my door shut with a little too much force and the wall shakes. 

Whoops. I collapse on my bed and connect my phone to the bluetooth speakers on my desk. I start to blast some random rap music, and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep. 

I saw Anna's text that she sent me before, telling me to forget what happened, but how could I ever forget? I open my school back and whisk out my math homework. 

I strip off my shirt, and toss it in a pile in the corner of the room before finishing my work. When I finished the rest of my homework, as well as all the homework due this week, I stretched out on my bed, wondering what the hell I would do for the rest of the day. 

Getting wasted? 


Hanging out with friends? 

That seemed boring. 

Plus I already know what I really want to do, get Anna to forgive me and dump that stupid douchebag of a boyfriend. 

I grab my phone of my desk and call Anna. It went to voicemail. Surprise, surprise. I looked at the clock and my eyes widened when I realized that it was already seven. I lazily walk downstairs and find md dinner waiting for my on the table.

I was halfway done with the pasta when I feel two arms wrap around my waist which makes me stiffen, mostly because I am still shirtless. 

"Tristy." A shrill voice says behind me, and I choke on my food. Shit. Why is she here? Plastering a fake smile on my face, I turn around. 

"Sofi, hi." She beams back at me. "What are you doing here?" I ask her, untangling from her arms, and she glanced over at the living room where her parents and mine sat lounging on the couches. I didn't even know my parents were home. 

Her parents were almost my father's bosses, and whenever they came over, they would bring their little she-devil with them. 

"Oh, yay." I say tiredly, my smile turning into a frown. "How long will you be staying?" I ask, and she taps her chin, trying to remember. 

"Like a week or two, but I can stay longer if you want." She says, sending me a wink, and I try to walk around her. "Yeah, I'm gonna go now." I say with a nervous chuckle, calmly walking out, but when I was a safe distance away, I ran to my room and locked the door. 

Sofi being here is going to complicate things, a lot. Sofi has always been trying to get me to date her, but just looking at her made me disgusted. 

She is pretty, but it is obvious how much of a slut she is, and I hate that in girls. 

Anyway, back to Anna...   

Hey peoples,

Happy Easter!!! How are you guys? Okay, so does anyone else fucking hate the SSATs as much as me? If you do then yay, someone understands me. So, what are you guys gonna do today? Please comment and vote!

Love y'all,


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