I Just Realised

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On Tuesday, my class and I are going on a trip to CCAC South, which is only 5 minutes away from where I live.

There really is no point in what my mum wants me to do.

She wants me to take the auto to CCAC, the auto back to school and the auto again back home.

But here's the thing.

CCAC is 30 minutes away from my school. CCAC is 5 minutes away from my house. My school is 35 minutes away from my house. My mum wants me to take the auto three times, rather than two.

I could just take the auto once to school and once to CCAC, then my dad could pick me up and take me home. That would save time, honestly. It's not that I don't want to go back to school. It's just I think my plan makes more logical sense. The trip is 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. My dad could pick me up at 1:30 PM, and I could be back home by 1:45 PM. My school day ends at 3:00 PM, but I normally get home at about 3:35 PM.

Which one makes more sense? My mum or me?

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