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Bejun felt a little nervous going on this date with Sadik. I mean, you don't randomly ask out if the blue, "Wanna go on a date?" not even two hours after meeting. But of course, Bejun was super polite and accepted. Because why not?

The Marshallese boy wore his most decent attire, which was his normal attire, minus the sandals. Now his shoes were more 'formal;' Tennis shoes.

It was way past the time Sadik arranged the date, and now it was 10:30 PM. "Did he set me up?" He wondered out loud, getting up from the table he was at. "He only was playing a prank on me!"

Just as Bejun was about to walk out, a rough hand grabbed his shoulder. "Ah! Do not scare me!"

"Awe~! Why not?" A dark Micronesian accent spoke. Trembling, the brunette hesitantly turned. The other male behind him looked extremely familiar; black hair covering both of his eyes, that malicious grin...

"M-Malolo? W-What do you want?!" Bejun trembled even more violently. "Hah! All I have ever wanted was to enter your mind, dear Bejun!"


Malolo chuckled darkly, gripping onto Bejun's arm tighter than anything Bejun had ever felt before (*cough* Kyung), the Marshallese shrieking in pain.

"You will now obey all of my commands! And you will marry me, Bejun Kabui!"

~ ~ ~ 🌹 ~ ~ ~

that moment when your smol gets kidnapped by his 4p 

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