Dear Fandom,Please remember the following:
- Germany has a character song about being lonely and misunderstood
- Italy is stronger than you think
- Canada isn't always ignored: Cuba, America, Prussia, Germany, Romano, France, Ukraine, Korea, and Britain know about his whereabouts.
- In Hetalia: World Stars, Turkey actually stated that he feels left out because EU wouldn't let him in.
- Also, Turkey is really motherly. He took care of Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Roumania when they were still newborns. He even has a little brother, who's actually more like his son (also, Greece doesn't like TRNC).
- May I also add that Turkey does have friends. Germany, China, and Iceland. He's also apart of the Ninja Trio with America and Sealand.
I might add more later but I'm still in school...