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Dear Fandom,

Please remember the following:

- Germany has a character song about being lonely and misunderstood

- Italy is stronger than you think

- Canada isn't always ignored: Cuba, America, Prussia, Germany, Romano, France, Ukraine, Korea, and Britain know about his whereabouts.

- In Hetalia: World Stars, Turkey actually stated that he feels left out because EU wouldn't let him in.

- Also, Turkey is really motherly. He took care of Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Roumania when they were still newborns. He even has a little brother, who's actually more like his son (also, Greece doesn't like TRNC). 

- May I also add that Turkey does have friends. Germany, China, and Iceland. He's also apart of the Ninja Trio with America and Sealand.

 He's also apart of the Ninja Trio with America and Sealand

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I might add more later but I'm still in school...

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