You Fucking Serious?

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There's no fucking point.

My dad claims he has an appointment at quarter to 1 PM.

Why not pick me up and let me go with you? Because I want to be there with you. You're more important to me than school. I don't want to be there. I want to be with you, Dad.

I have to go to school, then take the auto to CCAC, then the auto back to school, and the auto home.

School is 35 mins away from home.

CCAC is 35 minutes away from my school.

Home is 5 minutes away from CCAC.

What makes more sense.

Taking the auto four times in one day?


Taking the auto twice, and have dad pick me up?

My dad wanted to help me out but my mum said no.

She has to take my little brother to Ohio, or so she claims. She goes over there once every two weeks.


This is fucking bullshit.

I'll fucking walk home, and I'll fucking walk on the damn roadway.


I'll take the fucking PAT bus.

With a bunch of drug dealers and whining and screaming kids.

Ugh, sorry for sounding like an ungrateful and selfish brat. But I'm just so anxious about this tomorrow. I'm scared of CCAC because there's kids from a really bad school attending.

And when I toured a tech school, this girl made fun of my weight...

Oh, well.

Oh, fucking well.

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