Part I-Prologue

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that not all the vampire traits were my idea; many of my ideas about vampires were taken from a book called Vampireology.

Dedicated for the amazing cover on the side :) 

The prologue is set in 2002, but the rest of the novel is set in 2012 :)

Part I-Gabriel



They exist. Monsters. The Fallen Ones... Vampires. How could I not have known? How could I have lived in ignorance all these years? 

The blood. So much blood. I couldn't help myself. Couldn't stop. And then it was too late. They were gone. Dead. And it was all my fault. 

I'm not mad. I thought I was. Wished I was. Insanity would be easier to face than this harsh reality. Easier to face than this constant bloodlust, this constant yearning to kill. How could I enjoy my newly found fangs sliding into their necks? How could I enjoy the tangy, erotic taste of their blood dancing across my tongue? How could I get a thrill from watching their limp, lifeless bodies fall to the floor? Oh God, what was happening to me? 

But I knew what was happening. Had known it when I'd looked into those crazed green eyes. It had turned me. Turned me into something despicable. Repulsive. Had turned me into a monster. 

And yet that was a lie. It had changed me into a vampire. It had not forced me to kill. Had not forced me to take the lives of innocents. I had done that by myself. That was what made me a monster. 

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. They sounded so loud, it was almost deafening, like a drill right next to my ear in the sound of a steady drum beat. Shouts sounded moments later, cries of fear and horror. A bright light flashed across my bloody face, reflecting off of the blood clinging to my matted, black hair. A hiss escaped my ruby red lips. My fangs slid out defensively. My body changed from its pathetic, curled up ball to a defensive crouch in the blink of an eye. But none of it registered. 

Out. I had to get out. They couldn't know what I'd done. Couldn't know I was a monster. The very idea of my family, my friends, looking upon me with the disgust and fear I saw in these strangers’ faces was enough to jolt me into action. 

Instinct alone guided me. Of their own accord, my legs launched my body into the air, lifting me from the grimy alley filled with death and despair. Jumping higher than was humanely possible, I grabbed onto a pipe on the wall of the alley, somehow managing to grip the slimey pole. I used the pipe as leverage and scaled it to the roof, not allowing myself to look back at the carnage I left in my wake. 


The thought was clear in my mind, and my body obeyed before I knew what was happening. The body that was no longer my own jumped from roof to roof, covering staggering distances as the full moon shone brightly above, watching over me with a bright smile, welcoming me into the ranks of The Creatures of the Night. 

Sirens began to break the silence of the evening as the body slunk off into the waiting darkness. And so my mind, what was left of it, began to mourn the loss of everything that I once was. 


So yeah, this is my new vampire story, up for Watty Awards :) Somehow, i doubt I'll finish in time, but oh well. It's fun to write.

Please, please, please comment and vote throughout this if you're enjoying because it will help bump me up on the list and will give me inspiration and support :)  

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