Part I-Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

She looked so peaceful as she slept. So innocent. She was like an angel in disguise, brought down here to be my light in this never ending darkness.   

She didn't belong here. Not in my world of blood and death. Somehow, I had to take her back. Take her back to her world of security and safety. Before something worse happened.

So that was how she ended up snuggled in my arms as I ran her back to her apartment. I'd found the address in her purse; she had a 'please return if lost' note in there. I couldn't help but think about how right she felt in my arms. How natural it was.

But thoughts like that were dangerous. I couldn't become too attached. She was a mortal after all, doomed to die an early, tragic death, while I would live out my days of eternity in lonely solitude. She had no place in my life. I knew that. So why was I trying to convince myself? What was this mysterious, implausible connection I felt to this young woman in my arms? I craved answers I could never have. 

It took a while for me to actually find her building. I had to ask around a lot from the few people that were out on the streets in the early hours of Saturday evening, earning more than a few dirty looks for carrying a passed out woman in my arms. I just told them that she was drunk and that I needed to get her home safely. 

I remember this little old lady I'd come across who hadn't believed my story. What she was doing out so late at night, I don't know, but when I asked her where the flats were, just threw me the dirtiest look I've ever seen and simply raised her eyebrows at me. 
"She's my sister; she just got a bit drunk, that's all," I said, trying to sound innocent. I dreaded to think how things looked to this stranger.  
She threw me a doubtful look. "If she's your sister, then why don't you know where she lives?" the woman asked snidely, gazing at me knowingly.  
'I'm just trying to get her home safely!' I wanted to yell. The more time I spent speeding around the town, the hungrier and wearier I got, and having this exquisite temptation in my arms wasn't helping. 
"You know what? Never mind, I'll find it myself,"  I muttered, scowling at the old lady, who glared at me until i disappeared from sight. "Stupid woman," I murmured under my breath. 

Eventually, I got to the building. It was located near the city centre, King's Lynn, but it was much quieter. The block of flats was only about five stories high, just a small brown building overlooking a neat little park with sweet smelling flowers. The building itself looked a little run down, although appeared to be fairly new and well cared for. The smell of urine and vomit was cleverly masked by the smell of disinfectant. Thankfully, I wasn't at full vampire strength, or I would have gagged at the smell. I could vaguely hear people talking in the neighbouring flats, but easily tuned them out. 

When I entered using a swipe card that I found attached to her keys, I was relieved to find that her apartment was on the ground floor. I gently set Alyssa down against the wall as I fiddled around with the keys, trying to find the right one. 

I grinned when I found it. Scooping her back up into my arms, I whisked her inside, careful not to be seen by any of the neighbours. Looking around, I realised I was in a small, square hallway with four white doors and dark wooden flooring. Shoes were scattered around in one corner by a door which appeared to lead to a basic bathroom. I thought it looked rather cramped with its tiny white sink, toilet and bath tub.  

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