Part I-Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was a coward. A good for nothing, rotten little coward. I couldn't face my end like the man I once was. I was running. Because despite the hatred I felt for myself, I didn't want to die.

'Just like all your victims didn't want to die,' a bitter part of my mind spoke up. I swallowed, forcing myself to ignore the voice; I couldn't afford to succumb to guilt once more.

Sighing, I sat down on the park bench, listening for signs of life inside Alyssa's apartment. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. She didn't even know who I was, yet I felt like I owed her that much.

I realised then that I couldn't hear her heartbeat from inside. Nor could I smell the fresh hint of roses that told me she was near. I knew that my senses had been dulled from lack of feeding, but they weren't that bad. Alyssa wasn't at home. Where was she? It was already 11 o'clock! it wasn't safe for her to be out at night...

I grew more and more agitated the longer I waited. I'd paced the length of the park at least a hundred times, my head snapping up whenever I heard the door to the flats open. The crushing disappointment I felt every time I saw it wasn't her nearly killed me.

Midnight came and went. 1am. Two. Three. Until at last, i couldn't take it any more.

Following a stumbling drunk, I slipped inside the apartment building. After fiddling with the lock for a few minutes, I heard a satisfying click noise.

I quickly crept inside, gently closing the door so as not to disturb the neighbours. At once, the smell of roses enveloped me. I immediately felt slightly calmed, more centred. I breathed in deeply, savouring the scent. 

But then another scent shone through, mingling with the sweet, sweet roses. It was an aroma that made my eyes flicker green and made hunger surge up inside me.

Fear clawed at my throat as I followed the delicious odour through the living room, ignoring the ceaseless chatter that came from the TV. I paused, feeling dread wash over me. Why would she have left it on? Somehow, it seemed unlikely that she'd merely forgotten...

I forced myself to continue moving into the kitchen. I froze at the sight before me.

Run little pig

The message was written in blood on the white fridge-freezer. Her blood? Or someone else's? I prayed to God it was the latter. 

It felt like a bucket of cold water had been chucked over me. My whole body trembled violently. My hands fisted at my sides. 

It was then that a hint of rotten oranges teased my nostrils. They had been here. They had taken her. And it was all my fault. 

A roar of rage was wrenched from my lips. I slammed my hands down onto the kitchen counter, foul curses pouring out of me. The loud thud echoed through the room. The counter shuddered under my hands. 

Madness threatened to take me over. It danced seductively at the corners of my mind, slowly drawing closer with a coy smile. I teetered on the edge, so close to falling over. 

'Embrace it!' a part of me whispered. 'You're already halfway there anyway!'
'But Alyssa's counting on me,' I argued weakly.
'Please!' the voice retorted. 'She doesn't have any idea who you are! You really think that you could be her knight in shining armour? You?!'

I wavered. The voice was right. She had no idea who the hell I was and even if she did, she'd probably just think me a madman. And what strength did I have in comparision to other vampires? Going up against them would be suicide and I knew it. 

But then an image of Alyssa came to mind. Crying. Scared. Alone...because of me. It was me they were trying to hurt. Alyssa had just gotten caught in the crossfire. I could only pray that she would stay alive long enough to make it out the other side...

'I have to try. I can't just leave her at their mercy,' I thought, snapping out of the trance and pushing the madness back. 

Determination burned through me, joining the adrenaline in my veins. I would save Alyssa. Or I would die trying. One thing I was positive about. I couldn't run away any more. 


Yay, an update!! My brother's being a real bum and keeps hogging the computer 24/7. He's revising for his A levels, you see, and he's really stressing, poor bastard ;) And of course, that "has to take priority". Quote courtesy of my mother -__-

So anyway, i do hope you like it. I know when I was writing it, I was just like, Ohhhhhhhhh, they did not go there! haha

if you liked, please don't forget to vote and comment and stuff. Seriously, how am I supposed to know if you're liking it or not?! O_O 

But anyway, I think that's my rant over! ;) Adios amigas! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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