5 } The Bad Boys Are Trying To Kill Me

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I dashed into a random direction and swung round every corner, they hadn't reached zero yet and boy I was not planning on running.

I was planning on hiding of course.

But where to hide was the problem. I ran down a hallway and slid to a stop when I saw the stairs. But of course with my luck, I slid past the stairs, I looked to my left and saw someones shadow along with their footsteps engaging, I slid and nearly fell as I gripped the stairs and hoisted myself up each step. By the time I was at the second floor, it felt as though I was having an asthma attack,

I don't even have asthma.

The swirly stairs carried on going up however, is instead of going on the second floor I went up to the third in hope I would bring in some confusion. "Dude I don't think she's downstairs anymore," NO IM STILL DOWNSTAIRS, STAY THE FUCK DOWNSTAIRS.

"Why the fuck do you have so many stairs?" I heard Damon ask, I could tell that they were still on he first floor.

I'd just like to point out that there's only one time in my life where you will see me run. And that is when I'm being chased. I hate being chased, therefore you will not catch me.

I nearly slipped up the stairs because of my socks so decided to take them off as quickly as I could, I planned on throwing them across to the corridor that was opposite the stairs but when I did it only went a mere centimetre and fell right down onto the floor. Fuck. "What was that?"

"Her sock,"

"Aluminium you idiot,"

"Yeah aluminium," pause, "dude what kind of shit name is that?" I heard them coming up the stairs now and from what I could tell they were fast. I pushed myself up to the third floor and went down the corridor. There's so many doors.

       WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DOORS?! I was mentally crying from the quick escalation of events, this is like a horror movie. Lia don't like horror movies.

I went right to the end of the corridor and saw that I could go left or right. I stepped right once and saw Damon pop out of no where. "WHERE DID YOU EVEN COME FROM?!" I spun around and ran as fast as I could,

"Dang she's fast!" Damon shouted so everyone could hear. It was a big house but because it was only the five of us, we could easily hear each other if we shouted.

"Who's got her?" I heard someone say from the lower floor, this house was like a maze. I like it.

"Me!" I heard Damon, he was so close to me and trust me, there are multiple reasons why this one cannot catch me. I made a sharp right into a gym and closed the door trying to find the lock, but there was none.


I abandoned the door and went into the room that connected, just as I got into the study, I heard the gym door click open. As quietly as I could, I stepped out into the corridor which was thankfully empty. I ran backwards to where I was previously in hope that Damon would go the opposite way and then went into a room that thankfully had a lock. I stayed in there but then heard another door open, where are you? I looked to my right and there was another room connected to the one I was in, are you serious right now?

As fast as I could I ran and locked it before the person - whoever it was - could come in. The door started banging, "guys she's in here!" Another person entered the room and they both started telling the others where I was, I looked around panicking. A door.

Oh my lord there's a door, a door! A FREAKING DOOR.

Why am I crying?

I rushed to the door and opened it, thankfully it wasn't locked and it led to a balcony. I grabbed the key and locked it so no one could come out and looked out and saw the garden. The garden was the literal size of my house, there was a huge pool that could probably fit the whole school in and trees in the shape of... yeah, I have no idea what that's meant to be.

I turned around and saw a door broken and four boys looking evil as ever. And sexy don't forget sexy. "Hey Ty, can I break the door?" He shrugged and Chase shot the door with the pellet and it freaking made a hole.

"WAIT!" I screamed in fear, I felt crazy., they all abruptly stopped, "thank you, now, how deep is your pool?" I asked,


"How deep is the friggin pool!" Was I really going to do it?

Considering my situation, maybe.

"Your not gonna jump are you though?" Chase asked, I was so honestly scared out of my mind about being shot by mutiple pellets right now that I was considering it. In theory I'd only break my leg, maybe my head..

To break my thoughts, Tyson shot the window which landed a pellet right on my ass, I jumped instantly and gave him a death glare. They all applauded his which gave me the chance to  look down once more and I saw a ledge. I looked up back at them and somehow they found a vase, "get ready baby," Damon smiled.

"Come get me then," I smiled, they all looked slightly confused before I hoisted myself up and sat on the edge.

"DUDE SHE'S COMMITTING SUICIDE!" And that was first time I heard Hunter speak. I jumped down and I thanked myself that I wasn't scared of heights and I have no idea who it was but I swear someone screamed like a girl. I looked up and saw all of there heads looking down at me. Tyson looking impressed actually. Whoop whoop. I saluted before running back inside and making my way all the way downstairs, I ran right and led myself into the living room where I saw it.

My payback.

I ran towards the sofa looked down in awe. Ladies and gentlemen, it was a 2 metre long plastic gun that had thousands of little pellets inside it. I picked it up and aimed at a random direction before pulling the trigger and I swear it was shooting 100 per second. I sat on the sofa and happily waited for them.

Finally I heard there footsteps running downstairs and coming into the living room but they all skidded to a stop as they saw me munching on some Doritos. "I'd run if I was you," I pointed out and I pulled the large guys and put the strap around my neck. "Karma's a bitch boys."

And then they screamed. Believe it or not, it's Damon that screams like a girl, "not the face!" He cried before pushing everyone on the floor and running for himself.

"You wouldn't," Tyson challenged,

"Your bluffing," Chase tried to read me, but ain't no way this bitch is giving up.

"Well," we all looked towards Hunter, he breathed in about to talk and before we all knew it he was gone.

"I really will," I smiled, "10...9..."

They're gone.

*Francois Dubois*

They tried to shoot our Amelia with pellet guns? Not cool boys, but it's okay, she's not going down without a fight. Let's all thank the huge pellet gun.

QOTD - "I am not strange, I am just not normal."

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