6 } A Bad Boy Made Me Go On A Motercycle

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After I ran after each if then in my own unique way I managed to at least shoot all of them once, except Hunter, no one knew where that guy went. We were all in the living room that was an open plan to the kitchen. The Anders had like fifty living rooms honestly. The boys were doing their way of getting to know me. "Favourite colour!"

"Erm, maroon," I quickly shot back,

"Where are you from!"

"B-Britain," I stuttered quickly, "and Mexico!"

"Favourite race you've ever been in!"

"Hm, wonder where Hunter is?" I looked around as they all looked around, forgetting the question. Idiots I laughed.

We all looked around the house, no one really getting up. All of our faces turned to one of the many corridors to see the guy himself walk out.

"Guys when did we finish the game?" He looked somewhat abandoned, it was pretty sad,

"Dude, how are you better than me at hiding in my own house?" They all laughed and started chatting, this was not how I thought the bad boys would be like.

They were all so friendly and I've heard such bad things about them, but they're the complete opposite. The clock hit three and I realised that I should go home so my mum wouldn't suspect anything, "I should get off," I told them.

"I'll drop you off," Damon told me, "I have to go home anyway, little sis needs me," he smiled. I nodded and agreed before following him outside,

"Which car?" I asked,

"Car? Oh no," he smirked before rolling out a- oh no fuck that.

"Yeah, sorry count me out," I looked at the killing machine as it stared back.

Evil, evil I tell you.

"C'mon Lia!" Aw he worked out my nickname, I feel loved

"Two in three deaths are from motorcycles,"

"You just made that up."

"Maybe, but that's not the point,"

"First time for everything," I looked at him, his eyes bored into mine and his arms were stretched wide as he smiled.

"Fine," I fessed up and walks over to him, I paused waiting for the helmet,


"Yeah this is when the guy gives the girl the helmet and then she gets on,"

"No helmets with me, you have to just enjoy the ride," he swung his leg over and revved the engine, smirking at me. "You coming or not," reluctantly - trust me I was really friggin reluctant - got on to the motorcycle and wrapped my arms tightly around his torso.

And we were off, the motorcycle was flying, we were swinging right and then left, "ohmygod!" I  scrunched my eyes shut and shrunk down and held tightly on to Damon.

"Shit someone get her off of me I can't breathe!" My eyes slowly blinked open to see a familiar setting,

"Where are we?"

"Were at the same place we were literally five second ago!" I loosened my grip on him and sat up straight with all the other guys at the door laughing.

"Oh," I sat up and looked around to see Tyson's house, "hehe. Is it too late to get off-AH!" I wrapped my arms around his torso and this time he was really moving. "Too fast too fast too fast!" I screamed as he drove or cycled- I don't know, away.

After I while, I guess it wasn't that bad, but I still didn't like it. After what seemed like forever, we finally stopped at a traffic light, "Aye, Lloyds!" My head stopped resting on Damon as I looked up to see a bunch the football and cheerleading team with each other, ".. and Saunders?" Noo. I looked up and the light changed green,

"Yeah she's with m-"


"Okay okay jeez," finally we reached to my house, I got off but failed so, my legs were all wobbly which just made me fall straight onto the ground. I slowly turned around from my stomach onto my back to see Damon smiling at me,

"Don't mock me," I sat up instead, not willing to take the chance of falling in front of him again, "you realise that everyone is going to be talking about that right?"


"Me and you,"

"Oh there's a me and you now?"

"Shut up," my phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and saw numerous texts from Tricia, one of them that actually made sense read,

Tricia - dude check Rob's snapchat story

I unlocked my phone and quickly went on snapchat before searching his name in the tab and going on his story tapping through the various other snaps before, oh no. "No!" I screamed, I lay on the floor waiting for a bike to run me over. It was a snap of me and Damon cycling past the red light captioning, Saunders and Lloyd *smirky face emoji*

         Damn you emoji. Damn you.

"What's up?"

"Rob Parker is what's up," Damon pulled out his phone and chuckled at his phone, "it's not funny! Now everyone's gonna bombard me with questions and I'll have to," ew, "talk to them."

"Why whats the problem, we'd be a sexy couple," he arrogantly pointed out, I raised my brow at him showing him that this was not a good thing. "Or not, okay," he laughed and revved his engine, "bye baby," he winked before going off.

I watched him go off and I just couldn't help but laugh at him. I finally got up from the ground only because this old woman came along and told me that and I quote.

"Careful deary, some ants could get into your pants," and then she started telling me about how ants went in her pants then she got a bit gory so I got up and told her than my cookies were burning.

I walked in and shut the door and felt my phone blowing up. Greatio.

*Francois Dubois*

Excuse me while I do, but Damon is sexy! BUT I'M TEAM TYSON!

Sixth chapter is up, hehehe.

QOTD - "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

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