Epilogue } The Bad Boy Danced With Me

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This IS NOT what Amelia looks like, simply the prom dress that she's wearing. However she looks is completely up to you and please if you want to imagine a different dress, knock ya-self outt.

Waking up is hard. Well, hard for me, like really friggin hard. As we know. So here's me, Amelia Saunders, currently half on my bed and half on the floor, my eyes half open and saliva currently flowing out from the side of my mouth.

I know, I'm beautiful. You don't need to tell me.

In less that one hour is prom and my lazy ass is sleeping because well duh. The guy of my dreams is taking me to prom and literally, two or three years ago, that would simply be my goal in life.

Surprise, I actually achieved something in life.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" A voice busted though my room, I lazily peeked open one eye to see Mum, looking at me as if I missed the brith of my baby although that's not actually possible. Groaning, I closed my eyes again and of course a vase of water was thrown on me.

"Wha?- I thought we moved past this stage!" I looked up at her as I furrowed my eyebrows, she rested her hand on her hips and frowned down on me as she looked at me as if I had done the most disappointing thing in my life.

"You know you have around an hour and a half to get ready right?"

"WHAT? AND YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP?" Appalled at my mothers inconsiderate behaviour, I hopped up and ran into the shower, washing my hair and body and shaving all areas as a certain somebody promised me a special night. I ran back out, Mum still standing in the same place, "my dress, can you just lay out my dress on my bed."

She nodded and lay my dress on the bed, I had to pause and admire it quickly just because I completely fell in love when I saw it. Tricia, Jonah and I knew that I just had to get it, we got a matching tie for Tyson too just because well he had to.

She grabbed the moisturising cream and put it between us and she rubbed my legs and I rubbed my cream. "Also," she started, moisturising in the cream, "I thought you were getting ready since this morning."

"Who has time for that?"

"Erm, every girl that goes to prom with the guy of her dreams."

"... I'll make it up to him,"

"And make sure after tonight, you use a condom-... wow am I a bad mother for letting you have sex as such an early age?"

"Maybe.. but that makes you and awesome mum," I smiled, "I've never really told you how much I love you you know that?"

"Well, you tell me everyday actually," she bounced her eyebrow, looking around my leg probably making sure that everything was silky smooth.

"Yeah but, your the best mum you know that? I'm so happy and even though we don't have dad he would be looking down at us and be proud, you know that right?" she looked up and kissed my forehead before softly mumbling.

"I know darling, and I love you too."


"And... your ready," Mum gently lay my hair forward on my shoulders and my eyes sparkles with the subtle gold and the fleeky winged eyeliner just slayed my entire face. I couldn't help but smile, if you had asked me if I would be going to prom with Tyson Anders let alone a boyfriend, HECK-

Let alone a friggin' boy.. or a girl.

I would of straight up told you no. And now, well now I'm here, glowing from within, smiling my socks off and waiting for Tyson Anders to come pick me up. It was all great. "You look beautiful, you are so so beautiful," she smiled at me through the mirror before randomly running to her room.

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