Edward Becomes Prince Edward

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Henry gave this moment hard thoughts in the past. He knew that he was treading on thin ice, but it made him feel so much better knowing his line was secure. He had two male heirs, but he needed to ensure all his children were safe. Anne and Jane were at each other's throats, yet again because Henry sipped up and returned to his Jane's bed. 

He saw the look Anne gave Edward the day after she found out about the his mistake and it was pure hatred. "He mirrors your whore," She stated when he questioned her expression. He was scared about what Anne would do if given the chance. He loved his wife, but she was ruthless when it came to her enemies. The children were getting older with the twins being five and Edward being four. Each day Edward got older, the more of an enemy of Harry he became. 

"Your Majesty, the Queen is here," the herald said just as Anne appeared in the doorway. "Is it true? My servants hear everything, so tell me, is it true? You have written up the documents declaring Mary and Edward legal, making them heirs to the throne in turn," Anne chanted

Henry nodded. "Yes it is true. Mary and Edward will be placed above Elizabeth and Mary shall be granted the title of Princess Royal," Henry answered a foaming Anne. She paced around the room, found a vase and threw it at the wall. "Elizabeth has held that title for over two years. You want to strip OUR child of her title and place in for the throne and for what?" Anne questioned. "So that Mary and Edward may be safe from you!" Henry shouted causing Anne to laugh. "Mary and I hold no hatred towards one another. The girl married by brother and sired a male heir to inherit my father's titles and wealth. and Edward is, but a boy. I want to kill his mother, but not him. What I said the other afternoon was anger towards his mother not him. If you wish to punish me then do so put don't punish my children," Anne pleaded. 

Henry ignored her though. "The bill is passed. What's done is done. As of now the line to the throne is our sons, followed by Edward, then Mary, then Elizabeth, then our Annabelle. If they all fail to produce an heir Edward Brandon, if not him then Mary's son by your brother will become King. You should be happy you have sired three heirs for the throne and our brother now has one of his own. The Boleyn family shall always hold some kind of power now thanks to me," Henry argued. Anne flung the papers off his desk. 

"This is for Jane, not me. I will not thank you for securing the path for Edward to grow up as an enemy to our son. You will start another English Civil War because of your pride. You thought I wished to harm your bastards, well I don't. You believe me to be so evil as to murder a helpless boy, well I'm not. If you wish to return to Jane, then do so with my every blessing. I now need to go see our daughter and explain to her why her father stripped her title. Have fun with your whore," Anne said leaving before Henry could say anymore.


"Mother I don't understand why Mary gets to be a princess after Father ruled her as a bastard. Edward will come before me, and will have to bow to him. I refuse to bow to a bastard. Even Lady Kat says it's unlawful, because everyone in England knows that Edward is in fact a bastard," Elizabeth ranted. Anne said nothing fro a moment and observed her daughter body language. 

"You and I both understand, why your father must do this. Jane Seymour has returned to your father's heart and he fears that I will hurt Edward to make way for your sister and brothers. Your other sister, Mary cares nothing for the throne because she is happy with our uncle. I will protect you from this, but you must remain strong Lizzie. As the oldest of my children you are here at court to remind the English people who the future of England is. Let me deal with your father and you worry about yourself," Anne ordered her eight year old daughter. 

"I will mother. Please, tell father that I will comply with his orders," Elizabeth requested as her mother hugged her. 


Jane and Henry sat in silence as the feast played on. His children were all at court and he planned to make it excellent. He noticed how Elizabeth kept close to her mother's side throughout the night. Neither of them spoke a single word to him, nor sat with him. Anne sat up a dais of her own with Elizabeth's little throne by hers and they remained in their area. When the boys arrived Harry and George sat beside their mother, while Edward sat on his new throne beside Henry. The people of the court were so confused by the split of the family, but it did not matter. 

Henry knew that all the people sided with  Anne. They knew of Edward since his birth and he had always been a royal bastard. To force them to bow to him as a potential King would be impossible tonight. "Harry is mad at me papa. He told me this morning that he wished for me to move out of Hatfield. He said that he wouldn't let me take his throne. He said my Mama made me a prince because you love her and not the my lady Stepmother," Edward explained. Henry eyes fell on the glare of his eldest prince. Harry's eyes glued to Edward and he looked upset. "I think he hates me now. He thinks I will become King-not him." 

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