Chapter 4 battle 2

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I continue to walk home shocked that I'm actually feeling nervous about the battle tonight. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when my phone vibrates in my pocket it's a message from my aunt.

Don't forget about working at the coffee shop later
I completely forgot about the coffee shop job my aunt got me . If I go I miss out on the dance battle tonight but if I don't go to the job my aunt will be pissed .

I put my phone in my pocket and continue to walk down the road thinking about what to do .

I step in the front door and run up to my room and decide to go to the dance battle I mean I could always get another job I'll just tell my aunt it wasn't for me .
I put on the same hoodie from the night before so people don't see my face but recognise me as the mysterious girl. How I ended up with that nickname I don't know but I suppose it will do.
I arrive at the car park entrance hearing the faint sound of music I pull my hoodie up and tighten the strings so it doesn't fall when I'm dancing and make my way to the crowd of people .
This time it's different their is a battle but this time it's two against two.
Just as I'm about to turn around and leave coz I definitely don't have a partner i feel a hand grabbing my wrist .
I turn round to see Ryan .
"Look I know you don't want people to know who you are and I have no problem with that I won't even ask who you are but I do want to ask you something would you please do me the honour of being my partner in this battle."
I look at Ryan trying not to laugh at how he asked me to dance with him and I nod .

Well I guess I have a partner. Ryan turns and starts to make his way to the ring and I follow closely behind him .

As soon as the winners are announced Ryan enters the ring and turns to make sure I'm still following him I look back I'm not worried that he can see my face because it's dark and I have my hood up, our thoughts are interrupted when we don't talk anymore starts to blast through the speakers and the other two dancers start to dance .
As soon as the dancers stop me and Ryan start to dance.
⬇️ they dance like this

As soon as we stop dancing cheering fills the silence and the guy with the microphone starts to speak
"Lady's and gentlemen the winners of the battle Ryan and the one and only mystery girl"
Well every one starts celebrating I take that as my queue to leave and make my way through the crowd.
I am stopped when someone grabs my shoulder and I spin to come face to face with the guy who had the microphone.
"Hay  yesterday we where interrupted here are your winnings from last nigh and tonight"
He turns and makes his way back to the microphone leaving me speechless. I look down to see the money in my hand their has to be at least a couple of hundred .
Well I guess I don't have to worry about finding another job.

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