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Georgia's POV

It was over. The one night I had waited most of my life for was over, it went so quickly. But, what made it even more special was, Joey kissed me. Twice. He hugged me when I cried during Wake Me Up When September Ends. He just looked after me like no one ever had. His dad even pointed at us when we kissed and said it was true love. I really couldn't believe what had just happened in the past few hours.

"Gee, tell Alfie and Vicky to wait there" Joey said as I awed at the empty stage.
"Okay" I smiled politely.
"Hey, Vicky, Alfie, HOW AMAZING WAS THAT?!"
"I saw you and Joey kiss on the big screen!!!" Alfie said so excitedly!
"Talking of Joey, he told us to wait here"
"Why?" Vicky questioned me
"I'm not sure, but if I can spend more time with him, you're fucking waiting"
"Okay okay!" Vicky put her hands up in surrender.
"But. How. Amazing. Was. That?!" I said with a gasp in between each word. I was still so excited, but so sad it had to end. I turned round to talk to Joey, but for some reason he was talking to a security guard.
About three minutes later he tapped my shoulder.
"Hey, Georgia?"
"Dad said you three can come hang out backstage"
"What" I said sternly
"Don't you want too?"
"Of course I do! I'm just shocked! Thankyou Joey!"
I kissed him on the lips and just jumped on him to hug him, he kissed me back and laughed at my excitement.
We waited for the crowd to go down before we left so no one could see where we were heading too, especially not Liam and his little minion, Matt.
"Joey?" We were walking in a line of four out of the staging area, towards the back to the doors.
"For what?"
"You don't need to say thankyou, you're beautiful and amazing, I wouldn't trade you for anyone"
I just giggled because I felt so, amazed.
Joey slowly held my hand as we walked out, I just looked at him and smiled as we walked, now hand in hand.

We walked through the doors back into the waiting corridor, only to bump into two people I don't want to see.
Joey held my hand even tighter as he saw my face drop.
"Oh hey Gee Gee, how was front row?" Liam said sarcastically.
"Amazing thanks, actually. Shame you were all the way at the top" I replied, spitefully. I started to squeeze Joey's hand tighter.
"And who's your little friend here?"
"Uhm, hey I'm Joey"
"She'll use you, she's a little slut" Liam shouted.
"Can you not talk about her like that please? I know damn well she's not a slut"
"Well she's a fucking emo, want me to tell Joey your little September secret?" Liam teased me.
"Joey, can we leave please?"
"Of course Georgia, bye Liam." Joey said with anger in his voice.

Joey and I walked ahead of Alfie and Vicky, still hand in hand. I couldn't stop shaking.
"What did he mean September secret?"
"Joey, do we have time to go for a coffee somewhere before you move on to the next venue?"
"Yeah we do, come meet my dad and the band and we'll go somewhere for half an hour, Alfie and Vicky can stay here with the band"
"Thanks Joey" I tried to smile, Joey looked sad and worried, I hugged him to reassure him.
"Everything will be okay Gee, I promise" Joey whispered as we hugged.
"Well we're here!" He exclaimed with excitement.

I walked into a room to see Billie, Mike, Tre, Jason, Jason, Jeff, Max, Travis and Cole just chatting.
"Hey Joey!" I heard the Emily's Army boys shout, Joey still held my hand, wait, what?
"Who's the pretty lady Joey?" Billie said while looking at me.
"This is Georgia, Georgia, this is, as you know, Billie, my dad"
I giggled in excitement, but tried to keep myself calm.
"These are Georgia's friends, Alfie and Vicky, they're also my friends" Joey proudly said, which made me smile.
"Lovely to meet you all" Mike said.
"Why don't you talk to dad, I'm just gonna quickly talk to the the guys" Joey gestured me over towards Green Day as Alfie and Vicky were already in deep conversation with Green Day's manager, Pat.
I shyly walked over towards Billie and Mike, as Tre was messing about on a drum kit set up in the dressing room.
"Hey Georgia, don't be shy" Billie smiled at me, his eyes were just as beautiful as Joey's.
"H-h-hi" I tried to get my words out. I was standing in front of my idols.
"Hello Georgie, did you enjoy the concert?" Mike kindly asked.
"Honestly? It was the best night I've ever had. Can I tell you guys something?"
"Of course you can!" Mike smiled brightly.
"You, you guys saved my life, you seriously did" I said shakily.
"Do you want to talk about what's gone on darling? We're here to listen and help, we're so happy we've helped you" Billie said quite proudly.
"Well... My mum, she was a drug addict.. A-and my dad was a gambler, he was always drunk... They use to beat me. A lot. I now live in foster care and have for about 5 years, but, things weren't as great then... I always got bullied at school because of my parents... And I um, I still get bullied now. Beaten up, threatened, you name it. And urm, I, wow.."
"You can tell us, don't be afraid" Billie's friendly smile made me feel more comfortable.
"Well... September.. Two years ago... I, I, attempted suicide..." I felt tears building up inside of me.
"And, the song, Wake Me Up When September Ends... It reminds me, of, um, when my brother... he was a lot older than me... he couldn't afford to live on his own... so he lived with my horrible parents and me... and, he was only 16, but... he, he committed suicide on September 15th, 2004. He went through exactly what I'm going through now, I felt I had to. But I failed. I eventually got taken into foster care, but I don't really like it, it's not the same as having people who really care for you.."
At this point, tears started falling from my eyes. I had never told anyone this, and I was now telling my idols?
"Georgia, I'm so sorry"
"Please, don't be sorry, because since then, I found hope. I found hope in music. I've always been a fan of yours, but you guys really gave me a reason to live for, and that was tonight. So thankyou, for everything"
Mike and Billie both wrapped their arms around me and hugged me.
"You're so strong, especially since all this shit you've been through" Mike caringly said to me.
"I wouldn't be who I am today without you" I smiled at them.
"Can I ask you something Georgia?" Billie questioned.
"Do you, um, do you self harm? You don't have to answer, but I just want to know that you're okay"
I sighed and looked at my arms. The answer was no, I don't. But I did. A lot. I don't want to disappoint Billie, but I had to show him..
I pulled up my sleeves, revealing a lot of scars, but no cuts.
"I use to... I stopped because of you guys"
"Georgia you don't realise how much that means to us, you've inspired me kiddo" Billie stood up and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Cough" I let go to see Joey stood behind me
"Hey dad, you've got your own girl, now let me get mine"
"Woah son, don't worry, just making sure she gives good hugs haha"
"Joey, do you mind getting a picture of me and Green Day please sweetie?"
"Of course I don't mind gorgeous"
I handed Joey my phone as Billie and Mike signalled for Tre, Jason, Jason and Jeff to come over. We all stood in a line other than Tre, he laid on the floor like a model infront of us with his large purple bra over his top which he wears in King For A Day. He always made me laugh.
"Thanks Joey, can I get one with Emily's Army too please? Obviously with you in it" I stuck my tounge out at him.
"Of course, Um, Gee, the boys don't know about us yet, they just think that I was leading you here that's why I was holding your hand. I guess my dad knows but he won't say anything anyway, and Alfie and Vicky know I guess haha. The guys didn't see us kiss, so yknow, but I have some great news to tell you when we go for a coffee"
"Okay, awesome" I smiled back.
We lined up to get a picture, I stood between Joey and Cole, as Travis mimicked what Tre did in my photo with Green Day. Billie took the photo on my phone, Joey asked for one on his too so he can put it on the Emily's Army's Instagram.

Joey walked over to Billie as I spoke to Cole, Max and Travis. I could faintly hear their conversation.
"Yes son?"
"I'm gonna take Gee out for a drink for half an hour, is that okay?"
"Of course, is she your, girlfriend?"
"I think so.. I hope so. I really like her dad. I feel like it's love at first sight.."
"I saw you guys kiss"
"I know you did, I heard you shouting about true love, haha"
"Thought I'd use my powers over the crowd to make a moment"
"You're awesome dad, you know that?"
"Haha you too son, is Georgia going home tonight?"
"Yeah I think so.. Well, yknow we have 5 bunks and a sofa bed on the EA bus?"
"Well, we're actually going to Portsmouth to pick Seb up in the early morning, and ur, I spoke to the guys and Seb usually sleeps on the sofa anyway, and he's only staying with us for four nights I think it is. Well the guys said if Georgia wants, she could come on the bus with us"
"That's perfectly fine, yknow, she was telling me how she's adopted, I mean when she's 18, maybe she could come stay in the spare room in our house for a bit if you guys are still together"
"Dad are you for real?!"
I smiled when I heard Billie say this and Joey's excited reply.
"Yes son, now here's £20, go take her out for a drink, I think you need to talk to her, ask her out kid"
"Thanks so much dad"
I heard footsteps heading my way, I gulped a little.. I suddenly heard the guys say "hey Joey! Your dad's gig was great tonight"
"Thanks, it was pretty cool up front"
"Must've been, especially when you spent it with this gorgeous lady" Cole said smiling at me, causing me to blush.. A lot.
"Talking of Georgia, hey Gee, d'you wanna go out for a coffee quick?"
"I'd love too" I smiled at Joey.
"Okay I think my dad wants to talk to you quick... uhm, yeah I'll be over in a minute" he hugged me and as I walked away, I could hear all the EA boys saying 'oooooh' and 'get in there'. Oh boys do make me laugh.

"Uhm, hey sorry to interrupt, Joey said you wanted to talk to me?"
"Whatever Joey says or asks, don't feel pressured to answer okay?"
"Thanks Billie, I won't" I smiled.
"Give me your number, I'll text you if I find out anything"
"Anything about what?"
"Joey will explain" Billie smiled. So I put my number in Billie's phone. My idols phone. My idol has number. What.
"Here's mine..." Billie typed his number in my phone. What!!!!
"Thanks Billie!"
"Now go get a coffee with Joey, I think you'll enjoy it" he hugged me and smiled, I walked back over to Joey.

"Okay well I'm gonna take Georgia for a coffee now, be back in about 20 minutes"
"See you guys later" I smiled and waved as Joey lead me out towards the back door of the changing room.

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