Part 5: Divorce!?

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"So you want a divorce?" I ask, "It was a simple mistake, Monique."

She shook her head and walked back and forth through the bedroom, "Its not just that. We don't talk to just talk. You don't cuddle me at night and everyone feels like we've been married for thirty years and the spark is gone."

"Everybody? Who's that?" I asked.

"My friends at my job." She whispered and looked at me, "They said we both were miserable. Said people were right about young marriges. You truly have to know and it doesn't seem like we had a choice but to marry with another baby on the way. Coming from three people I had just met that day and invited over."


"They said they can tell dust was forming in my vagina." She whispered and laughed, "People can tell we don't have sex."

"Okay, so let's have sex." I whispered.

She climbed on my lap and kissed me.

The next morning I was happy but she was not. She just got out of bed and left the room. I exhaled as I stood up and looked down at her engagement ring. I slowly got out of bed and walked down the hall. I ran downstairs and looked at her as she poured herself a glass of water.

"Are you still mad?" I asked.

"Your not in love with me anymore." She whispered and laughed, "Should I move out or should you?"

"I will." I whispered and stared at her as she stared at the ground, "Monique."

"Demarcus." She answered, "If we talk about it to much we will start to hate each other. You don't love me anymore. I can see it in your eyes and I felt it last night."

"I'm sorry, Monique. I just it's so different I feel like like I can't tell you anything. I worry more about your feelings and turn to lying."

"It's not the way to go. Sooner or later you will need to get it some where else and I don't want to be with you when you do. I'm not in love with you, Demarcus. Let's not make ourselves miserable."

I nodded and stood up, "I will pack."

She nodded and turned, sniffing. I just looked down and walked to the room packing a small bag. She hugged me goodbye and I drove to mom's. I saw the kids in the window so I called the only person I know would be free since her daughter was playing with Dakota.

"Alice, you free?" I ask driving down the street slowly.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"I'm feeling Chinese. You want chinese?" She questions.

"Yeah. That would be perfect." I laughed.

"Good. I'll meet you there." She chuckled and hung up.

I drove to the Chinese place and ordered my food then paid. I soon saw Alice as she was paying for the food. I smiled as we walked to the park across the street and sat down at the table.

"Who made you sad?" She questioned opening her boxes and smiling at me.

"I'm getting a divorce." I answered.

She stared at me for a minute before speaking, "What happened? I mean I know y'all stopped having sex but."

"Wait, how?" I laughed.

"I know you. We were together for a year even more. Sex helps your stress and every time y'all were together she was in your arms. That slowly stopped. The little pecks stopped. The looking each other in the eyes. The holding hands." She shrugged, "I just noticed."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she will be keeping the kids and I'll be another dad to leave her woman with his kids." I whispered and looked at my orange chicken a smile on my face, "I can't stop her. She says we don't love each other in that way."

"That sucks. I'm sorry." She whispered biting into her egg roll.

"It's not your fault." I whispered and shrugged.

"Well, what are you going to do?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't like to be lonely and I already feel that way." I whispered.

She giggled, "Be a kid and have fun."

"What?" I laughed, "I'm still a dad."

"Okay, a part time dad though." She laughed, "Me and Tyler are co-parents. I get my time every other weekend. Taylor stays with me every other week. See I had her this weekend, Tyler had her this week and the weekend then I get her Sunday."

"I'm confused." I whispered.

"I get my baby girl every other week for a full week. Then that Sunday Tyler comes over we have family time until seven which is around her bed time and he leaves with her for the whole week until Sunday morning I'm over there ready to take her home." She explained.

"Oh." I smiled, "That's actually smart."

"Exactly. There's a party I'm going to tonight. Maybe you should come." She whispered and looked at me, "It should be fun."

"Really?" I asked.

"Well you can get drunk legally and not have to worry about waking the kids when you get home." She whispered and giggled, "Come on. Have fun that's probably why Monique and you failed. Y'all didn't have fun. You had sex then went to sleep then woke up and took care of three kids, you need this, Demarcus."

"I do." I whispered and looked down, "Lets do it."

"Okay." She laughed and stood up, "We should finish eating first."

I chuckled and ate the rest of my chicken and rice. After an hour I was at my old apartment smiling at what she did to it.

"Get in the shower, Demarcus." She laughed passing me to the kitchen.

I took a shower then got dressed in all black. When I walked into the back room Alice was bent over the bed in only undies and a bra looking down at her computer.

I laughed and she looked back at me. A smile formed on her face and she pushed me out, "Nope. Not for you."

I looked down and smiled. After a few minutes she came out of the room with shorts and a crop top on. I smiled as she slid on shoes and grabbed my hand walking out. I don't think it was just my heart that wanted her it was my brain. I was for sure feeling really vulnerable and something was telling me my night was going to take a turn.

When we made it to the party we walked in and life was lit from there. Alice and I was dancing to the loud music and talking a lot, drinking a lot.

By two in the morning I was laid back in the back of the car with Alice on my lap.

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*
~Sorry for any mistakes I'm not good with grammar and spelling and I am the only editor of my books so bare with me.

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