Part 31: My Baby

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"Its okay, just let your body do it's thing." The nurse whispers as Ana rocked back and forth over the bed, "Good job."

I look at Ana and she sat down on the ball closing her eyes. She has to deliver the baby now which is making things worse.

"Okay, let your body push." She whispers as Ana climbed on the bed and began to push.

"It hurts." Ana whispers exhaling and I look away trying to hold in the tears.

"Just breath, Ana." She whispers and I look at the other nurse that was in the corner writing things down.

"Oooh." Ana breathed in standing on all fours and exhaling as I rubbed her back.

"Let me take a peek." Nurse Jenna says and I smile as she lifts Ana's gown, "Give me a good hard push."

Ana pushed her, "Oh go-" she screams and shook her head, "Demarcus."

"I know, keep pushing." I whisper and she closed her eyes.

"Take a deep breath." She whispers and Ana exhaled loudly, "One more big push."

"I don't want to." Ana cried out and she smiled, "Please."

"Ana, we have to get the baby out now. She is already coming out. Just push for me."

"Ana, push." I whisper looking at her and she exhaled pushing for the last time.

"Ah!" She screamed and began to cry hard as I held her.

"Get me the air machine." The nurse screams out and I walk over seeing my baby's leg moving.

"What's happening?" Ana asked.

"She's moving." I whisper and Ana cried as they began to try to revise the baby. Finally our girl cried and they fixed Ana to see our daughter, "Abby?"

Ana nodded and watched her be taken out and to the NICU. The nurses talked and I looked at Ana as she stared down at her stomach that went down.

"Okay, it looks like from the contraction machine that her heart beat did stop. In the middle of you pushing it started back up again." The doctor explains looking at the machines and smiling, "She's a lucky baby. But she's starving, she's very small and it looks like she can't breath so we need to help her and hope nothing changes. For now we will get you dressed and cleaned and comfortable."

We nodded and I kissed Ana smiling as she slid her hand in mine. We just waited until the nurse came to get me. I followed her and smiled walking into the NICU.

"This is Abby. Three pounds even." The nurse explains and I stared at her. She looked miserable and I grew sad seeing she was hooked to a million machines.

"Can I take pictures?" I ask.

"Yeah, just turn off the flash." She whispers and I nod smiling and quickly took a couple of pictures.

"How long do you think she will be in here?" I ask watching her.

"It's up to her." She whispers and I nod walking out.

I walked to the room and sat beside Ana who was eating food. She smiled at me and I showed her how daughter.

"She's small." She laughed, "Is she okay?"

"No." I whisper, "How do you feel?"

"My brain hurts." She laughs.

I smile, "I texted mom to go to your house so we can tell our parents together every thing that's happening."

She nods and I look down getting a face time call. I answered it and exhaled smiling at my mom.

"Why are you still at the hospital?" Ana's mom, Abigail asked confused.

I look at Ana handing her the phone, "I had to deliver the baby vaginally."

"Why didn't you call me!?" They screamed.

"I was already suffocated, mom." Ana whispers and looked down.

"So you got to see the baby?" Mom asks.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Pictures." Abigail says.

"Let me send them." I whisper and quickly sent the picture, "Sent them."

"I thought she was dead." Mom whispers tearing up, "She made it."

"Her heart beat stopped and during me pushing it started again. So she's alive but in bad shape." Ana explained.

"Have you told anyone?" Mom asks.

"No." Ana whispers, "She wasn't done developing somethings not going to develop because my body isn't there to hold her and help her. She's in a glass box and it's freaking me out." Ana wiped her eyes and I smiled.

"We're on our way." Mom hung up and I held Ana.

After a few hours Abagail stayed the night and I went home to see my kids. Monique was walking with Nolan who's six months. She kissed me on the lips and I smiled as she lifted Nolan and handed him to me. I looked at him and tickled him hearing his cute little giggle.

The other three was at the table eating dinner and laughing.

"Is Ana okay?" She asks.

I nod sitting down, "She's alive."

Monique giggled, "Really!?"

I nod and laughed moving closer to her to give her a kiss. She smiled and kissed me again looking at me.

"Can I go see her?" She asks.

"What?" I laughed.

"I wanna see Ana." Monique laughs and stared at me.

I nod and kissed her again, "I love you."

"I love you too." She laughs and I smiled looking at Dakota who ran to me, "Hey, buddy. Your face."

He smiled, "Mommy made chicken."

"I see." I laugh and looked at Monique who was staring at me, "Can you make me a plate, babe?"

"I will love too." She laughs standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I just smiled when she brought me my food and watched me eat. I laughed at her, "What, Monique?"

"Your just cute when you eat." She laughs and I smiled at her.

After dinner I hung out with the kids. Nadia was dancing and running with Danny around my bedroom. Monique was dancing with Nolan and laughing as Nolan giggled and smiled at her.

"So. What are you going to talk to Ana about?" I ask looking at her, "Since you don't want me to go with you."

"Demarcus." She laughs.

"What?" I laughed grabbing Dakota who ran to me.

"I just want to like forget. I want to forgvie and live free." She explained and I nodded smiling at her, "Time for bed. Come on, babies. Let's go."

She smiled and walked out, the kids kissing me on the way out. I stood and got in the shower. Once I got out Monique was sitting in the middle of the bed waiting for me. I climbed on her and pushed her back giving her a kiss on the lips. She exhaled and deepend the kiss pulling me forward.

"I'm gonna miss you." She whispers and I looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"What? I said I'm gonna fuck you." She laughs and I stared at her, "So hard."

I smiled and pecked her lips. She sat up and we rolled over as she took off her shirt and got ready for me.

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*
~Sorry for any mistakes I'm not good with grammar and spelling and I am the only editor of my books so bare with me.

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