s i x t e e n

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"So where are we going on this date? This nice little rendezvous?" Jasmyne asked from the passenger seat of Monty's car.

He glanced over at her before returning his eyes to the road, a smile creeping up onto his face.

"It's a surprise Jas. I told you this like seven times already."

The girl sighed exasperatedly, making Monty laugh, as he rested one hand on her thigh, the other steering the car.

Jasmyne looked down at his hand, before turning it over and lacing his fingers through her own.  Content smiles graced both of their faces.

The car slowly rolled to a stop and Jasmyne looked up at the building before her, her face lighting up like a christmas tree.

"Montgomery De La Cruz you did not!" She exclaimed, turning to look at him while squeezing the literal life out of his hand though he wouldn't admit it.

"Did you rent out the aquarium?" His silence was enough confirmation for the excited girl "I can't believe you rented out the aquarium holy shit."

Quickly, Monty exited the car and walked over to the passengers side, opening the door and helping his date out.

"Hate to admit it but I might of asked Jeff about a couple of your likes and dislikes and well here we are."

Jasmyne looked up at the boy with pure adoration in her eyes. "That's incredibly sweet and thoughtful of you." She wound her arms around his waist, his instantly going around her shoulders.

"Wait." She paused "That was really sweet and thoughtful of you.. That's completely out of your character, who are you and what have you done with Monty?"

"Ha ha very funny, now lets go in. You owe me a date."

With their hands linked together, Monty led Jasmyne into the dimly lit aquarium. She could see their own little table set up with a candle lit dinner waiting for them.

The date just started and she already knew it was gonna be the best one she's ever been on.

She turned her head to look up towards the older boy. "Y'know I was gonna say this must have cost a lot and you probably put a lot of work into this but you'd probably just tell me it was no big deal."

"No you're right." Monty shook his head making the girl frown making small little lines form right in the space between her eyebrows.

Noticing this, Monty took his thumb and smoothed out the lines. "It did cost quite a bit and it was a lot of work but trust me when I say that it was completely worth it."

"Once again I ask" Jas began, looking over the jocks features "Who are you and what have you done with Monty De La Cruz?"

He just smiled and shook his head before beginning to lead her around the aquarium.

Jasmyne was gazing at all of the different fish and sea creatures while Monty believed he was gazing at something far more beautiful.


"Ooh Mont, you should go sit over there so I can take a picture to capture this moment." Jasmyne told him, pointing over to a small round viewing window.

When he was positioned comfortably, Jasmyne pulled out her phone snapping a picture of the boy.

This one though, she wouldn't be sharing to social media

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This one though, she wouldn't be sharing to social media. She wanted that picture all to herself.

Getting and idea, she created a new photo album in her phone naming it 'Adventures w Monty 💕📷'

She smiled at the photo before turning her phone towards Monty to show him.

"It's perfect." She told him as he enveloped her in his arms, making the both of them smile. Something they'd be doing a lot of during their time spent together.

"Just like you."

And ever so slowly, did he reach down capturing her lips with his own.

I'm so sorry for the wait but I sort of like flatlined with the chapter. I didn't know exactly how to write about their date but I think I'm satisfied with this. I'm so glad Timothy had an aquarium photo bc Jasmyne's face claim didn't. Tell me what you think? Thank you for reading! 💕

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