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Jasmyne's eyes scanned the student infested hallways from where she stood on her tip toes at her locker, looking for a certain person.

She was looking for a certain boy by the name of Montgomery De La Cruz.

"Zach!" She grabbed the tall boys arm as she saw him walking past her. "Have you seen Monty?"

Zach thought of the last place he's seen the baseball player.

"Uh I'm pretty sure the last place I saw him was in the library."

Jasmyne's eyes went mock wide in surprise "Montgomery De La Cruz in the library? I never thought I'd see or hear of the day. Thanks Dempsey." She smiled in thanks, giving his arm a small squeeze.

She grabbed the letterman from her locker, shutting it and making her way out to the library.

Jasmyne saw Courtney in the courtyard making her way towards her but she held up a hand.

"Not now Courtney I'm busy."

Walking into the library, Jasmyne couldn't see Monty sitting at any of the tables so she began looking through the aisles of books.

Not even a few minutes later she found him in the sports section, standing and skimming through a book.

Quietly, she crept up beside him and rested her elbow up on his shoulder.

"Five Seasons: A Baseball Companion." She peered down at the book he was holding. "Is it any good?"

Jasmyne had to hold in her laughs when Monty literally almost jumped out of my skin.

"Shit." He put his hand to his chest "You scared the hell out of me."

"Payback's a bitch ain't it?" She smiled sweetly before remembering why she was there in the first place.

"Oh" She held out his letterman towards him "I came to give you back your jacket."

Montgomery just looked at it, he didn't make any sorts of movement to retrieve his jacket.

"You're giving it back?"

Jasmyne looked at him confusedly, "Well I mean yeah? Don't you need it?"

Monty shook his head, gently taking his letterman from the girls open hand. "I don't need it now or tonight."

Jasmyne raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side "Now or tonight?"

Unfolding the fabricated jacket, he swung it around pulling it over the girls shoulders and pulled her in closer to his body by the collar of the letterman.

"I was hoping that you'd keep it for another day or so and wear it to our game again. I'm convinced that you're my good luck charm."

The two were so close in proximity that their noses were touching and Monty's breath had moved her lashes as he looked back in forth between her eyes.

Jasmyne was silent as she stared at him before she opened her mouth and softly spoke, after all, they were in a library.

"That was smooth as fuck."

The pair laughed at her straightforwardness, Monty's head gently falling onto her shoulder.

The smell of his faint cologne mixed together with her scent of lavender vanilla was just about enough to drive him insane.

He didn't want to move.

Hell, he'd probably take her right then and there if she let him.

She really made him feel some type of way.

"Go out with me?" He mumbled into her shoulder though it sounded more like "govpartyfee."


Monty took a step back, composing himself because speaking again.

"I said go out with me?"

Jasmyne bit her lip to keep the smile that threatened to show concealed. "Like what? On a date? You wanna take me out on a date Montgomery?"

Monty's eyes traveled down to her lip that she had between her teeth as he nodded.

"Hit a home run at tonight's game and you got yourself a date." She winked, patting his chest before turning out of the aisle and leaving the library.

Montgomery De La Cruz was gonna get that homerun no matter what it took.

Though it didn't take very much because the first pitch, of the first inning, Monty hit the ball out of the park.

He got a home run.

Now he was gonna get a date with his girl.

He knew she was his good luck charm.

𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦. ⇰ 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘨𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘦 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘻.Where stories live. Discover now