You are Karin Haninozuka, the younger sister of Mitsukuni Haninozuka also known as Honey-sempai the Lolita type of the host club. When you were Eight years old you suddenly came down with a serious cold that prevented you from learning Martial Arts...
Hey guys just want you to know that I am gonna try and get another chapter out either before Saturday or on Saturday cause to be honest I know I've been slacking off I'm really lazy oh and from now on when I make parts of a story I'm gonna make them shorter than usual and please enjoy this DIABOLIK LOVERS song called diabolik lovers Omg I love diabolik lovers so much! I am currently being fan girl over ayato ok well on with the story. 🍭🍮🎂🍰🍦🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪🍭🍪🍩🍮🍿🎂🍫🍰🍬🍦🍦🍮🍫🍬🍩🍩🍰🍰🍿🍪🍫🍰🍰🍮🍮🍫🍬🍦🍦🍰🎂🍫🍬🍮🍩🍫🍬🍮☕️🍬🍰🍪🍩🍿🍫🍬🍦🍰🎂🍮🍭🍪🍩🍮🍿🎂🍫🍰
Karins pov:
Karin's Dream: I was running it felt like forever since the last time I stopped but I can't stop now I half to find the others no matter what. *gunshots echo threw out the forest* "AKUMA!!!!!!!!! You can't runaway from me forever!, I will find you and all your little friends ", A womans voice in disguised as a demonic voice screamed. "Akuma!", a girls voice whisper screamed. "Over here!". I ran in the direction of the voice and came upon all of my friends.Hotaru(boy). Yami(girl). Megumi(girl). Azarath(girl). Lyra(girl). Damian(boy). Rin(boy). Once I saw them I was so happy but what I didn't know was that happiness was gonna disappear any second from now. "Guys I'm so happy your okay and the plan worked now we can return to the demon world and go to my father Satan it's too dangerous to let you guys go to your parents alone once we reach the gate to my kingdom we'll go inside, go to my parents, contact your parents, then they'll come, and take you home", I said excited by all the happiness I was feeling. "That's a good plan we should go now before HE sends anymore people after us let's go- Sorry prince but I don't think so", Rin was cut off by a cheerful yet dangerous voice that had a hint of psycho in it. "Yuno", I whispered. "Right as always Akuma", she said my name with full on venom. I shivered as she smirked at my reaction then glared at me with the only type of glare that could scare me. Yuno Gasai was her name, she was a demon much like all of us but a different one she was a nightmare demon, she was in the same class as the rest of us .Royalty. (She is the daughter of Vepar a strong duke of hell that ruled over Twenty nine legions of demons. She also governed the waters and guided armored ships laden with ammunition and weapons and much more, and Mictian one of the 13 strongest demons of hell he was worshipped by the Aztecs as the god of death. He made Vepar his goddess making them both royalty. But sadly Yuno was corrupted by HIM the sad thing is I never told her parents about their daughter's corruption they think she's on a mission nonstop. But I'm the only one who can cure her corrupted form) Yuno works as HIS assassin now
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"Sorry guys no hard feelings but Lord ____ (I'm not spoiling his name just yet) wants you dead now since you defined him and escaped. Yuno turned her head towards Damian and smirked *Yuno lunges forward at a quick pace faster than the human eye towards damian* "I think I'll kill you first hahahahahahahahahaha", Yuno laughed her psycho clearly coming out. But sadly for her Damian is always on guard.