You are Karin Haninozuka, the younger sister of Mitsukuni Haninozuka also known as Honey-sempai the Lolita type of the host club. When you were Eight years old you suddenly came down with a serious cold that prevented you from learning Martial Arts...
Hey Guys I Took Waaaaaay!!!!!!! Too long ( like half a year too long) sorry I was working on my new story, if you want you could go check that out, it's a Diabolik Lovers Story if you forgot I should have the next part out for that story either somewhere this week or next! Any way on with the story! (Also there's gonna be like 6 or 7 performances in the next chapter & I intend to get them all done in that ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter not two or three, ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! And there's only one song in this one, so enjoy) Theme!
"You Know you shouldn't talk bad about people you don't know, and as for your question well let's say I'M TIRED FOR YOUR SHIT I mean like if you wanted a beating that badly you should've just came to me I would've gladly given it to you"
"Uh hey I never got the chance to Introduce myself my names Aiko what's yours?"
And as Mary and Aiko followed me around I just grew sort of close to them and then we just kind of became friends afterwards.
*I Wish We Could Have Spent More Time With You Yuko AIKO Gasai* 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😩😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭 Back to the Story:
Mary and I were walking down the hall, but I took a left instead of a right (which leads to the principle's office).
"Hey! Wait aren't we going to the Principals office?" Mary questioned.
"No I have a show to do as Sakura Kate🌺🌸", I answered.
"Sakura Kate? Who's that?" Mary question again. "Sakura Kate is me in Idol Form so if I'm out in public I'll be Karin Haninozuka so no one will come up to me asking for autographs, basically my secret identity", I answered.
"Ooh, So where are we going".
"We're going to the Host Club, it's some kind of school club that my brother's apart of and I promised them I would sing there to get the club money and stuff ya know the normal stuff" "What does the host club do?" "I'm not actually sure, I think they have female costumers come in a specific time and they woo them or something or just flirt with them I still don't get it but you can ask Kyoya when they come".
"Oh ok"
We walk into the host club and already it's filled with Sakura Kate's (My) make up artists, back up dancers, my manger (Sebastian), the sound crew, and lightning crew. Just everyone in my Convert Tour Crew.
"Karin put this on and Miss Mary here's your afternoon clothing", Sebastian came over to us and gave us our outfits.
Here's Mary's outfit (when it's time for the show I'll show Karin's outfit)
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