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I was running from school when I saw my almost second family. It's so weird to say, to be honest. William was standing with the penetrators and when I came closer they suddenly ended up their conversation, everyone has a secret, right? When we were at a good enough distance from them and none of us had any idea what was going on.

- What's going on, William? - I looked at him and his cheekbones seemed sharper than they were before a weekend.

- Nothing, - He was trying to keep his eyes everywhere else, but not at me. This situation was getting weirder every second.

- Is something happened because of that fight with Eric? - I coughed his eyes and they were empty, something happened but he didn't want to say that to me.

- Something like that, - William smirked and I finally saw at least some emotions on his face.

- Tell me, - I was trying to find an answer in his eyes, but I was hopeless. He will never let someone catch something in his eyes.

- Everything is okay, you don't have to worry, - William put his hand on my shoulder and we started to look like a normal couple who were spending their time in the park. But wait normal couple is not about us.

- I will, - I looked at him with a smile, sunlight was playing games with his eyes and they were changing colors. From mid-brown to the color of my favorite chocolate.

- You won't, - William suddenly stopped and our eyes finally met. He smiled and I smiled at him too.

- If you will kiss me, it won't change my worries in a good way, - our lips were centimeters away from each other, but he touched my lips with his. We were standing in the middle of the park and it seemed like a whole world is not existing for us at all.

- Eric told about it to the police, - Suddenly, the smile on his face went somewhere away and I was not sure whether I've heard his words right or not.

- And what does he want? - I touched his hair and make him look at me again, not in the sky.

- To put me in prison.

We both were standing there and figuring out what to do next. Our world was crashing down, again. 

One more trip // Noorhelm.Where stories live. Discover now