don't turn back: the continuous journey lives on

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 i woke up screaming . not for extreme fear ,but for pain. robert slapped me awake and i did not appreciate that . i puched him in the stomach and he fell laughing.i looked around to try and notice my surroundings. i was in the back of my truck.when igot that down i realized we weren't in the right area where i had told robert to drive us. he had taken us to  a wal-mart parking lot.when i tried to argue with him he actually made an accurate reason for why he took us there. he pulled me away from the group and told me that we can't just go to some sort of sancturary where we can just starve . he said he didn't want his closest freinds to die of hunger because his best freind james died from someone elses hunger. after this i took pity on him and agreed to go on with his "plan". as we walk in to the wal-mart it almost seems entirely safe until sarah c. drops her gun. when this happened it attracted the attention of four they all backed away i tried to prove a point that there was nothing to be afraid of because well there wasn't anything really to be afraid of. so i pulled my knife out of my thigh brace and rapidly stabbed each and every one of those walkers and then made a "see that" face. my freinds stared at me like i wasn't myself.

  i shrugged then looked away and kept walking.i gave everyone a job to do. tom and sarah j. had to gather as much food as possible, sarah c. and esmer had to go find any spare clothes and weapons that we could use,robrt , karyme ,and i had to find some extra ammo and knives.i told karyme that i had to go do something important. i wondered through the halls and asles of the super store i would come to by myself to pick up my sick mother's medicine.

  i walked into the managers department due to curiosity. i looked at the desk witch held the keys to a mazda car. along with the company keychain, there was a carbeeper attached to he key ring. i quickly snatched the keys from his desk and ran excitedly outside to the back of the parkinglot where the staff would park their cars. i pressed the beeper and a mazda wrx 945 car replied.  the look on my face could not tell you how excited i was . this car was the most fast of my day that was street legal. i am 13 now , and i know how to drive. i dont think law matters anymore.

   i drove into the garage and robert saw. "no dirping way!", his face was as lit up as mine. i got out and tossed the keys at him, "yeah way, its yours you have to take care of it or i will cut you!"   at that moment his jaw drops. i roll my eyes and i hear screams, karyme runs in an is shouting, " guys come help please!".me and robert run to her and she leads us to a women on the verge of labor.  she is wearing a dress and i feel wrong looking but she's about 10 centimeters dialated. the labor takes two hours just about and the baby's here.its a girl. the lady was starting to losen up , and she is crying . she whispers something into roberts ear and shes gone. she lies dead on the floor , the baby in my arms. my two companions at my side staring unbeleivably at me. "what now ?", asks karyme. my eyes full with tears,"we're keeping her."

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