new who. p.s. merging into the walking dead

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i give up i dnt want to deal with tom at the moment, now that they're at the mansion they're safe, they dont need me. i  write a note that reads,

dear sarah c.,

you are well set off and i can't deal with what has occured. please i leave the baby in your hands ,there is formula in the pantry , i bless you and i want you to be new leader of the group. use your privlages well and dont leave tom alone with the child and remember,never leave the house, that is my last wish,

                                                                            love and favor,                                                                                                                                                        l.c.holmes

i packed my belongings and left a good supply of guns, it is 6:00 am and i go into toms room and kiss him goodbye.

i get in my truck and drive,for two hours i am crying on the road looking back and forth at a picture of my friends and i in school. when i reach my house i get off the truck and walk forward. i climb through my window and into my room, i smile and observe my old belongings then i hear a shuffle o a chair from the kitchen. i carefully walk downstairs and all i see is a boy on top of a chair trying to reach a can of pudding i had left behind because it was too heavy for my pack. when i take one more step i forget theres a loose floor board and it makes a loud "eeeeeeekkkkk" sound i freeze in place.

when he turns around i see he's had trouble. his face is ridden with cuts and mud, eyes blue but tired , hair obviously messy from running .he sees me and i feel un easy , i try to back up but i fall over a sheriffs hat and now i'm tring to crab walk away as he gets closer. his face really close to mine i turn away and he pulls out a knife , before i realize my eyes are shut. then i think, show the mofo who's boss no weakness no mercy , look up, get your gun and prove yourself!  quickly i kick his stomach and he fumbles to the floor, i take out my revolver from it's dark brown holster and point it at him, i'm prepared to end his life then he holds his hands up in surrender, immetiatley i think im not gonna like this guy. lowering my gun i glare a him and he stands up slowly.

i start to speak with a fearless commanding voice." stand up straight and face me like im not a dead one. what are you doing in my house. "

he looks me up and down and he shoots  back a commanding voice" your house? who cares whos house this is, my dad is in the house across the street and he is dying! i don't want any trouble person so just pass me my hat and you can go back to whatever sewege pipe you live in."

infuriated i try to shoot him down with words," i have enough ammo to kill your ass once everyday for five years if you try something so much as lay a finger on that pudding consider your ass dead!"

 he stands up straight and pulls a gun out again, he puts it to m forehead and i'm about to beat im then i get an idea. i move the gun away with my hand that is occupied with the revolver and i look at him with a charmed look. i put his hat on my head and i walk away up the stairs one foot in front of the other. he tries to follow me ,but i trap myself in the bathroom. with my back to the door i hear him laughing, " come on give me my hat back.". " nope", i open the door a smitch and i am fake- giggling. " just give it back.", his voice is whiny. " say please!", i beg. " plleeeassee!", he says sweetly.

i am about to give the hat back when openingthe door ,then i stupidly stepon the door and bump my head. i fall to the floor once again and i am dizzy, repeadidly falling when trying to get up. i guess he hears the thumping , because he opens the door and tries to help me up . he goes for my arm ,but i quikly jerk it away and try and pull myself up, but i fail and land in his arms. i push him away and im still staggering i lay a hand on the sink and look at my reflection. my forehead is blooded and bruised,i turn around and the boy is blurry and there's a thick screne of blood and i fall again, then im out.

i wake up with a rag tightly wrapped around my head and a glass of water on the nightstand. the door is left open and i can't help but try to get out. i put on my boots and go downstairs , where i find the boy helping himself to beef jerky .

"thanks.", my voice is hoarse. im about to shake his hand when i get a headache and i fall on the couch beside him . 

"so what", i say panting.

" what do you mean? you're in no condition to be helping me.", he stands up.

" what are you talking about ,i'm perfectly fine. and when is the next time someone is going to offer their help to you?", i say .

" fine you're so uhhhhggg! fucking hard to talk to.",he is spazzing

i stuff jerky in his mouth and pull him outside into the car. 

" NOW LISTEN I AM GOING TO HELP YOU AND YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT!", I then drive  across the street which seems pointless , but i go to the doorstep. and nock.

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