i meet Carl grimes, the teenage jerk

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"  hey man hand me my bow!!", i yell at the boy to fetch my bow from the trunk of the car.

" not so lowdly.gosh.", he says with a 'tude'

he goes to the car as i nock the door, wondering what lies head. as i stare at the door still nocking the boy startles me and i nearly punch him. " do you hear anything? at all.", he is hopefull. " nope, nothing, are you sure he's not de-", " no he's not dead, DAD!!!", he interuppts and tries to break down the door ,but falls to the ground. i roll my eyes then kick the lower right side of the door and sucessfully nock the door down. i help the boy up and his shoulder seems to be badly compacted. anyway, we both enter the door when i realize my hands are still holding his shoulder when i led him in. i yank my hands away and i look forward to see what i think is is dad, or what's left of him. the reletively tall man lay motionless on the couch, lifeless to the eye. i neel next to the man, carefully i try to take his pulse. he's alive, but slow. i look behind me and the boys face says anything ,but happy.poor guy.

i begin to try to cheer him up." uhh, tell me your story", i say delicatley,like he's a bomb that's about to go off.

he tells me everything, something about a prison attack, his baby sister judith dying, an old man who i learned is hershel,getting hs head cut off with a katana. he seems more depressed when he's done,so i try and change the subject, " what's your name?". he answers," carl.." i smile slightly," my name's lucy, but never call me that, just call me l.c, l.c. holmes." how old are yah?",he asks. "thirteen. you?",i ask,"thirteen.", he smiles too then his eyes rift off to the upstairs banaster. " what?", i say looking too. " my stuff is up there", he says falling asleep. i get up ,im about to scruff his hair then i remember his hat. im still wearing it. i take it off and put it on the knee that sticks up in his typical fatigued pose. and he's out like a light. i walk upstairs and see a bag of guns and crappy cereal.  i open the door its in front of and its an awesome green room with anything i ever wanted, then the memory comes back. this is tom's house. what got into me so much that made me forget i was in my own bestfriend's house ?

i hear shuffling again, but not like the one like when carl moved the chair,more like when someone's sliding on the floor, but it's distorted. i hear carl screaming," i'm sorry for what i said yesterday morning, i do need you don't leave me please." the shuffling continues and i hear the clink of the gun against a holester. i then think he gave up, thats when i freaked out. i ran downstairs to see his dad reaching toward him like he was a dead one. rammed his out of way to stay away from carl, who was now in a fetus position crying with his gun in hand. i realize his dad is not dead ,but was trying to say somthing," c-c-carl s-tay inside -b-be safe", he's stuttering and then he passes out. i go to carl and wipe his tears from his face, i repeatedly say stuff like it's okay, no worries, he's fine,etc.

while i lie there holding onto carl like if i let go he'll fall apart i realize, maybe these two aren't so bad. carl looks up and his eyes are blood-shot. his hair is sweaty and smells slightly,but i let that go easily,imean seriously we were without a shower for three years. he starts to mumble like hings were his fault, his eyes keep going left and right like a mad man. he looks crazy and rabid ,i don't know what to do so i sing skinny love, the song that would calm the little boy that i took care of from school.

his head lies n my cossed legs as i comb his greasy hair with my fingers. i stop on the fifth verse, " you're alright, i have a camp. i would like for you to come", he looks somewhat shocked. then i see a smile coming on. " you would let me be with you? i say yes.", he said coolly.

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