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Nina's face was pale as she wrapped her thin hand around the wrist of the sister Tara.Her voice came out cracked and hoarse as she mustered up a few words with the little energy she had.

"Tara baby I love more than you know. Some day we will be together again and I promise I won't leave you then. Tell Mom and Aunt Jessie I love them and give a kiss to Soph from me. Don't cry honey, I love you."

With that being said, Nina's chest stopped moving and the soft beeps of the heart monitor were no longer detectable. Tara stared at her face, unable to cry because of the amount of pain she felt.

As the reality began to seep in Tara let out an inhuman wail while simultaneously punching the wall beside her. "NOOOO!" her voice came out angered and hurt.

She hugged her twin strongly before releasing her from her arms and running through the hospital doors and into the rain. Tara could hear faint cries behing her telling her to stop but she ignored them and ran on. The sting that the rain gave to her bloody knuckles were nothing compared to the pain her heart felt.

"Why God,why me?"she cried sniffling as she sunk to the ground. Tara began to feel a drowsy blackness taking over her. "Please just let me die," she prayed to God and she fell unconscious and blocked her mind from the realness of her situation.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I will try my best to update regularly but no promises! I'm open for suggestions and critism so let me know what you guys think down below. Bye for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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