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"Soonyoung, who the fuck is jitothehoon?" The manager asked, making a shock go through Soonyoung's body. "Uh, a friend?" Soonyoung says, trying to sound convincing. He gulped as he saw his manager's eyebrow raise. "Lee Jihoon, huh? That name seems familiar. What are you doing interacting with him? Do you want to tarnish your reputation?!"

"No! He's really nice I promise, just-"

"Soonyoung, he's ruining your career!" The manager exclaimed, cutting Soonyoung off midway through his sentence. "He's not doing it anymore! He's an amazing person! Just because he decided to be a little bit immature and jealous for a few weeks doesn't mean he's going to stay that way for a long time! He's a human, he too gets sick of doing certain things for too long!"

"I get your point but if the CEO comes to find out, we're all fucked! Completely fucked I'm telling you!" The manager warned, making Soonyoung look down. "Do you want that to happen? Do you?" The manager asks, making Soonyoung sigh. "No, I don't..."

His manager calms down before patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to forbid you from texting him just for a few days. Just for the sake of formalities. Then I'll find a way that you two can text without anyone finding out." The manager says, making Soonyoung both happy and sad. "Thanks, it means a lot."

"You really like the boy, huh?" The manager asks, smiling. "He's actually adorable once you get to know him." Soonyoung's eyes light up talking about Jihoon, making the manager chuckle. "Alright, I'll believe you for now. I gotta meet this boy one day."

"Sounds good, I'll ask him if he doesn't mind." Soonyoung smiles, as the manager got up, smiling back at him. "Also the way you switched from angry to sweet as fuck in a matter of a few minutes is fucking scary." Soonyoung adds, making the manager laugh. "The way you talk about him was just too damn adorable, I can't say no to that."

Meanwhile in the homosexual household, Jihoon was dozing off, trying to study. His phone goes off, making Minhyuk yell to let him know. He jolts up, quickly picking the phone up. "Hello?" He lazily speaks, letting out a yawn after doing so. "Hoon, guess what?" Soonyoung says in a sulky voice, confusing Jihoon. "What?" Jihoon asks unenthusiastically, wanting to go back to sleep. "I can't text you anymore because they found out." Soonyoung says, making Jihoon chuckle.

He could feel Soonyoung's whiny pout through the phone. "Well that's your fault. You're the one who started texting me outta nowhere." Jihoon laughs, making Soonyoung grumble. "Still! I cant talk to you for a few days! That's a lot!" Soonyoung whines as Jihoon shuts his books close. "Oh come on, it's not that bad. Anyways, I'm sleepy. Bye bitch."

"No wait don't leave..." Soonyoung says, making Jihoon sigh. "What now?"

"Promise me that once I get to text you again, we'll hang out." Soonyoung says, hoping that Jihoon would agree. "Yeah yeah, bye now."

"Bye bye! Take care!" He says before ending the call. Jihoon shakes his head before throwing his books back into bag. He drags himself to his room and plops onto his bed, his mind blank. He suddenly felt alone for some reason, he just couldn't put his finger around what the problem was. "Ji? You good?" Meili questions, checking up on him. He snaps out of his blank state and looks at the girl who just entered his room. "Yeah, why?"

"You're just staring at the wall blankly, you don't usually do that." Meili states, surprising Jihoon. "Oh...I'm just tired. I'll sleep, I'm fine." Jihoon reassures, making Meili nod before leaving his room. He tries to get a little more comfy and finally feels his eyelids get heavier by each second. He shuts them close, wanting to sleep as soon as possible. Soon, he was off into dreamland.

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