thirty four

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"Ji, you okay?"

Jihoon, who seemed to be lost in thought, snapped his head up to look at Soonyoung. "Um...yeah. I was just thinking." Right when he spoke, his phone started to ring. 'Minhyuk' it showed. Soonyoung's eyes wandered over to the contact, then over at Jihoon. "Put it on loud."

And that's exactly what Jihoon did. "Hello?" He spoke shakily, his lip quivering with worry. "Jihoon." He heard Minhyuk's stressed voice. "Please...please come fast."

That's all he said before the call ended. Jihoon looked at Soonyoung, his face showing fear all over them. Soonyoung bent down, eye level to Jihoon who was sitting on the couch. "We'll sort this out, I promise. Everything will be fine." Soonyoung spoke, holding Jihoon's hands. With a deep breath in, Jihoon slowly nods. The boys hurry up to Minhyuk, almost going over the speed limit.

The door that wasn't even locked, was pushed open by Jihoon, who rushed in the house. And there he was, face to face with the person who apparently was his best friend. She looked at him, bloodshot eyes. "Never thought you'd find out." She laughs unusually, not taking her eyes off of Jihoon. The boy simply gulped upon seeing the never seen sight of his best friend. "I despise you. I absolutely despise you, Lee Jihoon.

I don't know why but something about you makes me so fucking angry, I just want to...I just want to get rid of you in any way possible. You're like the itch on my skin I want to tear off. Visions of blood, that's what i see when you appear. I don't know what it is...guilt? anger? violence? I don't fucking know Jihoon, i really don't know.

Your existence messed me up-"

"What the fuck am I supposed to do then? Kill myself?" Jihoon interrupted, his blood boiling with every word. "That's what I was trying to get you to do. Too bad that son of a bitch, Yoohyun, told you everything. I knew I couldn't fucking trust him."

"You're disgusting, Meili."

"Thanks, I know. It was either me ending you or you ending yourself. None of my plans fucking worked since you have everyone wrapped around your fucking finger-"

"Because he's not like you, Meili. I brought him here to keep him safe, not to fucking replace you...but your selfish self took it the latter way. It's you that needs fixing, Meili. He trusted you...with his whole heart too-"

"Well he shouldn't fucking have-"

"That's enough, Meili. I know who you fact everyone here knows now." Soonyoung stepped in, making Meili's eyes widen.

"I know you're the one that told my fucked up uncle where I was. I know you have connections with him. You're forgetting that I have the cops behind me at all times after that incident. You hid this from me for so long to the point where I only found this out a few days ago. I...I'm sorry, Meili, you're going to have to go." Jihoon spoke, his throat hurting. His raspy voice sharply pierced through Meili's ears.

Multiple footsteps are now heard, getting closer and closer to the three of them. Meili, who couldn't seem to get herself to move, grips the sides of the chair she was sitting on tightly, watching the cops in uniform approach her. "No no no, this can't be happening!" She yells as they harshly pull her up, cuffing her hands behind her back. "You brought this upon yourself." Minhyuk harshly spits out, his voice filled with disgust. The cops push her forward, forcing her to walk. Jihoon looks at her apologetically, feeling guilt in him for some reason.

Suddenly it was quiet. Jihoon stayed in place, taking in whatever happened. "I ruined her life..."

"Jihoon..." The other two call out in unison, staying by his side. "You didn't. She knows what she did was wrong, you were only a victim. You did the right thing." Soonyoung spoke, making Minhyuk hum as an agreement.  "Your safety matters, she was a threat. You shouldn't be regretting anything right now. I'm sorry I didn't believe you..."

"It's fine, hyuk. It's a hard thing to take in, I know. I...I'm so thankful for you guys."

And that was the end of Meili's chapter in Jihoon's life.


hi, sorry for the lack of updates :(
i haven't been feeling that great for the past few months,,,
anyways um, thank you so much for sticking around if you're still reading, it means a lot to me !!
i love you, please do take care of yourselves <3

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