twenty four

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Toasted sugar, that's what Soonyoung smelt like to Jihoon. The sweet scent filled up his nose as his boyfriend engulfed him in a warm hug. "It's been so long." Soonyoung spoke, making Jihoon giggle. "I didn't miss you." He mumbled onto the crook of Soonyoung's neck. "We all know that's a lie." Soonyoung chuckles as they pull back from the hug, looking at the boy in front of him with sparkling eyes.

"Oh shut up." Jihoon smiled, looking at his boyfriend cheerfully. "But seriously, I missed you so fucking much."

"I missed you too."

"And the truth finally escapes." Soonyoung laughed as Jihoon rolled his eyes. "Seungcheol was supposed to leave by now, where is he?" Soonyoung suddenly says, looking at the time. "Is that him?" Jihoon asks as he pointed to a man who seemed to not have his life in order. He scurried towards the couple, trying to fasten his pace. "Oh my god, wait. Is that...the one and only Lee Jihoon?" Seungcheol stops by to ask, earning a nod as a response from Soonyoung.

"You music. Your! Music! I love it! You have so much talent in you, it would be much better if you weren't 20% a prick." Seungcheol says as Jihoon chuckles. "Well, that's one way to greet someone." Jihoon spoke as Soonyoung shakes his head. "Anyways, I'm S.coups. The men call me"

"S.killyourself." Jihoon spoke with an unimpressed expression as Soonyoung thought of many ways to dig his grave right then, right there. "S.fuckyou." Seungcheol scoffed. "Can y'all just, redo this?" Soonyoung asks, done with their bullshit. "Ugh, hi. The name's Coups. Just call me Seungcheol though."

A smirk spread across Jihoon's face as he thought of a reply. "Well hi there, Seungcheol though."

"You've been hanging out with Soonyoung for too long." Seungcheol shook his head as Soonyoung giggled, putting his arm around Jihoon's shoulder. "Of course, I'm the best person anyone could hang out with."

"Soonyoung, stop sucking your own dick for the 100th time." His boyfriend grumbled, elbowing Soonyoung's waist. Seungcheol laughs and point at Jihoon, opening his mouth to say something, "I like this guy."

"Back off, cunt. He's mine."

Jihoon rolled his eyes for what seems like the 50th time that day as Seungcheol cooed at them. "That's-" He was cut off by his phone ringing, making him answer it. "Hey, Han. Yeah, I'll be there soon, I just bumped into Soonyoung and mr.anti-carat. Alright, I'll reach soon. Yeah, yeah love you. Yeah I mentally gave you a kiss. Okay fine 10- no infinity. Okay, bye bye."

"Whipped." The couple spoke in unison, laughing at Seungcheol. "Oh shut up. I'm leaving, you two have fun!" He says before running off.

"Let's go?" Soonyoung asks, taking Jihoon's hand in his. "No car?" Jihoon asks, slightly confused. "Nope. I've been feeling a little confident. Not too confident, obviously, that's why I have a mask on. But...I kinda wanna overcome this fear. I wanna show you off." Soonyoung explains as Jihoon nods. "Alright, I'll let you have your way. If something happens, it's your fault."

"Oh don't worry, I can handle this." He chuckles, sending a wink Jihoon's way.

Jihoon simply rolls his eyes before they start walking to wherever Soonyoung was planning to go. "Wait a fucking second. Don't tell me you're taking me to that cafe." Jihoon gasps, looking at Soonyoung with wide eyes. " couldn't get your coffee the day we properly started talking. So just consider this as a make up for that situation."

"You're so fucking extra." Jihoon giggled as they enter the cafe, earning the cashier's attention. The two order their drinks, a few stares coming their way. Today was their day, they weren't going to let anything get to them. Steaming hot coffee in their hands, they sat down. "Honestly, how do you find time for me?" Jihoon suddenly asks, making Soonyoung's head shoot up to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"You're an idol. You have schedules, fixed meetings, practice, rehearsals. You're really busy. How do you even find time for me?"

Soonyoung smiled a little, intertwining his fingers with Jihoon's. "Bub, look. I'll always have time for you, I'd literally do anything to have at least a full 24 hours with you. I would even get rid of my bathroom breaks for you, the pee can fucking wait, you're more important."

"Yeah, keep saying that when you get a urinary tract infection." Jihoon mumbles as Soonyoung laughs.

"But seriously, your presence calms me down. Being with you gets rid of all my worries and problems. I just...i just worry sometimes about the fact that not everyone might support us."

"Soonyoung, we're dating because we love each other. Not because we want everyone to support and love us. We have each other, that's all that matters." Jihoon says as Soonyoung lets out little nods, taking in what his boyfriend said.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you, that helped me clear up my mind a little." Soonyoung smiles as Jihoon lightly rubs his hand in circles. "Now drink that coffee before it turns cold, you absolute dumbass."



just a lil message to tell y'all to go stream superhuman by nct 127 !!
watch it more than 10 times and i guarantee you that you'll have superpowers (:

hello!just a lil message to tell y'all to go stream superhuman by nct 127 !!watch it more than 10 times and i guarantee you that you'll have superpowers (:

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