[ Taehyung ]

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[ It is so much easier to get people to hate something, than to believe. ] 

[ P.P ]

Studying by myself in a vast hall without any other students around has changed circumstances a lot for me. 

Taking these night classes were purposely considered to fill in the morning classes that I've missed. It wasn't on purpose for me to skip classes, but it's because of the endless rumors and useless gossips traveling from one corner to another. 

I feel sick and nauseous sometimes when the one topic to gossip about are my eyes. 

It's like they have nothing else to speak about other than subject A. What about the rest of the letters? There's still twenty five more letter to converse about instead of sticking to one.

By the time I safely reach home by myself, walking through the secluded and quiet empty street that resembled a desert, I find my Mother nowhere in the living room. 

She would usually be sitting there reading a book or finding some hobbies to occupy her time. She would usually be knitting or crocheting a new bag or accessories.

However, it was an empty silence upon my arrival. 

With hurried footsteps and a racing heart, I find myself rushing upstairs in haste to check on my Mother. Still with the notebooks and pencils clutched around my left arm, I softly knocked on the door before entering my parent's room. 

Waiting for a good five seconds, there was no response. I could barely hear a shift, inducing my heart to almost jump out of my chest. 

Twisting the doorknob open, relief washed over me as I realised that she's asleep the whole time. Breathing out a sigh of assurance, I closed the door shut before walking back to my own room. 

Another thought shot through my mind. 

Had Mother been crying to sleep?

After cleaning and providing myself with dinner, I made my way back to my room. I have at least maximum seven hours of sleep before the morning classes for six hours. Then, it is back to finish my last few bits of studying and finishing assignments in the house.

Pushing the lavish windows wide open, permitting the serene night wind through my room, I pulled my wooden chair near the door. Leaning against the frames, I decided best to calm my exasperated nerves from the morning cause by watching the still sky.

I know that there are better things to do right now instead of gazing onto the sky. I know I could spend this useful time into reading the last few bits of my current novel. I know I could pitch into sleep right now, but I remain still.  

Albeit the sky moves every second the time ticks, it feels like time itself has stopped.

I wonder what it feels like for time to stop.

Would we stop aging? Would we stop breathing, or even possible freeze like time? Would time stop for a brief moment?

Would time even stop at all?

Allowing the cool blustery air to graze my cheeks, I feel the keen self to finally sleep. Gazing at the luminous and coruscant midnight sky has helped clear my thoughts off - replacing it with new eccentric thoughts that I'd never imagine pondering about.

Parting the curtains close to allow more fresh air inside, I made my way to my bed. Tucking myself in with leaden eyes, I bid myself goodnight. 

Praying that this swamped irritation inside me goes away. 

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