[ Talk ]

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I wonder what it was like for Taehyung to be stuck in a place like Neverland. 

I wonder how he felt when he suddenly woke up as the identity himself, eventually finding another person named Peter that exists for the same purpose as him. 

I think to myself how it must've felt knowing that his purpose was to help those who are lost.

I wonder, yet again, if he had any parents or any family members with him. 

Was he alone from the beginning? Did he have anyone to talk to before crossing paths with Peter? Where did he learn how to speak? Had he ever questioned his own existence?

"You know, if you space out so often during times like this, you'll end up questioning your existence sooner or later."

I didn't realise it myself that I was gawking at Taehyung's direction way too much. 

"S-sorry." I quirk out in response, shifting my gaze  from his face to the objects in his lean fingers. I did not understand what Taehyung meant by that question, nor did I have a single idea about it.

I couldn't help but to throw more questions out of my head regarding his existence. It just dawned onto me to think about Taehyung's identity. It was just an everyday habit to think about the others, especially when I've just met them for the first time. 

There were a lot of things that I wanted to know. 

I wanted to get to know them better instead of helping myself transcend from a Lost person back to the normal. Although, I'm not sure how I'll be able to achieve all of that, I just hope terrible consequences won't have to be the ultimate obstacle. 

Taehyung grinds the two stones against each other, creating a spark in between and an annoying noise. I couldn't help but to cringe at the noise, yet tried to keep on a straight face. 

The stretch of the noise reached all the way to my back and I maintained my posture straight. 

Aside from wanting to get to know about the both of them better, I want the progression of my stay here to reduce. 

"Well, if you want me to stop gawking into space, then could you at least tell me what to do for now? Aren't I supposed to be doing something in order for my said depression to be gone?" 

Taehyung perpetuates his actions even after my question had been spoken. He seemed to be in a deep thought as his focus was only targeted at the stones. I have no idea why he wants to create a fire with those stones when there was already a bonfire behind us. 

"Today, we're going to talk with each other." He simply stated, placing the medium sized stones away onto the floor. 

They barely rolled around and I couldn't help again but to glance at the dirt on his palms. I wanted to reach out to him and clean them off, but Taehyung was already ahead of me.

He dusted the dirt off on his pants and I could only frown as I squeezed my lips thin.

"Have you been feeling slightly different in your own world?" 

I look back up at Taehyung, thankfully maintaining a straight face as I stared directly at his eyes. I would usually divert eye contact with everybody, but his eyes gleam an interesting and peculiar sense of aura. 

They weren't just your normal jet black orbs. It felt as if his eyes had captured scintillating stars, allowing them to twinkle only in his eyes. They were enticing, shutting my mouth from speaking any words.


"Y-Yes?" I squeak back, blinking my eyes several times as I accustom back to Taehyung's question. My heart raced for a split second and I felt nervous all of a sudden.

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