[ Swan Lake ]

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Other than the envious and admiration towards Irene's beautiful eyes that never touched the pallid world, a few young men would try unacceptable mischief towards the innocent lass. 

Those men would try to stalk behind Irene when her classes were over. Some would try to whistle at her in order to bring her inside their house. Irene, however, with a strong mindset of ignoring those men found a long passageway in order to avoid those malicious men as much as possible. 

She tolerated them for about a week before everything resumed back to normal. As if those men had never existed in the first place. No one around the town knew about them, but only Irene could recall. She thought it was strange for them to wake up and disappear one day. She pondered if there was a sentinel nearby who noticed the inappropriate crowd.

Irene was not the only victim to be jeered by the young men. There were a few other girls, who often got whistled more than Irene. It was a scary thought to even be in their shoes for a minute. Irene did not want to think about it. She thought too far to the point where a kidnapping could happen.

The latter did not know that their disappearance was from the hands of Peter himself. He was rather enthralled by her will to ignore them. The other victims that he took would often lash out and start a fight or even get themselves in trouble. The others were full of strange blooming colours, whereas Irene remained pallid.

Peter thought that they'd be identical in the way that they've lived their life. He thought that Irene was an abandoned person, but he guessed wrong by the passing time. The colour of her changed eyes caused by Peter himself induced the family to move farther away from the town. He felt no remorse whatsoever. Peter only wanted to see a reaction, yet Irene remained at a neutral space.

It was part of his boredom to mess around with her mind and it was also to speed the process up.

As a young child, a time where Irene could barely remember certain memories, she was unaware of Wendy undergoing a strange coma. No news had been passed towards Irene, which made herself more isolated. Wendy had been missing various classes as Irene could not see her at recess. 

The young Irene had no clue that the strange coma towards Wendy occurred to Taehyung some time later. 

One fateful night, Wendy gazed at towards the starry night sky. It was also her habit to observe the void filled with the beautiful stars. She would sometimes pass by her sleeping curfew and often got scolded by her Mother for not sleeping on time. Wendy obliged and apologised to her Mother, closing the windows shut for a while.

However, everything drastically changed when her secluded mind had been pulled into Neverland. Her secluded and uninspired mindset was filled with vast explorations of Neverland. She thought it was a dream, just like any other vexed souls. 

They thought that it would pass and only become a misty memory that one could not recall vividly.

Just like a swan, Wendy was free and soaring. She was always fascinated by the simplest things. She never wanted to land on the ground. She never wanted to be responsible for her duties. Wendy preferred to reconcile with Neverland and she never thought what a huge regret it would be for her. 

She was like a great white swan whose beauty bedazzled the world for a second, but she could care less about that. She was happy to be in Neverland. She laughed like never before. She got to fully understand happiness once again, until it all came to a hazy lie.

Wendy was happy. She felt the source of happiness envelope her into a warm embrace. Wendy had been manipulated too easily to be embraced by Neverland's happiness. Happiness in Neverland existed for a few days, where time never existed. Wendy had no idea. She was only young with a young mind. 

She was carefree and sometimes careless. She was honest and sometimes secretive. Wendy was the epitome of something that Peter could not figure out for a while. 

Ever since Irene had been forcefully ostracised, Wendy was forced to leave the past behind and continue wandering where Irene disappeared off to. Her parents only told her a little white lie and she believed it. She believed that Irene passed away into a happier place with butterflies and rainbows scattered around. Wendy was rather confused, but ended up being pleased that Irene was rather in her happy place.

Even as she grew up into a young women, her belief stuck to her like permanent glue that Irene had actually passed away. Her parents did not tell her from what and she gave up asking them. They would try all sorts of excuses to evade the question. She knew that something was odd. 

Wendy couldn't bring herself to inquire almost everyday and decided best to search. 

She had walked around in circles to try to find a familiar face. They were stuck like sisters. They visited each other everyday, if possible, excluding school days. If they missed a day to see each other, they'd feel depressed and would barely talk at home. They knew they were being dramatic towards their parents, but they had so much to talk about to each other. 

They had some classes together whilst other days they barely passed by. 

Upon having her prolong days in Neverland, it wasn't a dream anymore. Neverland for Wendy remained a nightmare, even after discovering the hidden truth behind it. Even after discovering that the dominant Peter has taken over, it was a dead end for the original. 

Perhaps, the consumption of envy and loneliness had succumbed Peter. He had lost his mind and could not find his way back to the gentle light. Everyone was scared of the power that Peter held. They were terrified that he would abuse them. 

Their fears, however, gave life and energy to both Neverland and Peter. 

Wendy could never believe that Irene had happily passed away without a reason, until she discovered the truth and witnessed it from Taehyung. Upon finding out about the reason, Wendy remained hopeless and melancholic.

Irene had grown up into a wonderful young woman who hid behind walls. She managed to attend several classes, which only occurred at night and was more expensive. Wendy herself pondered on the circumstances of her family and the town. 

What had become of its condition ever since her soul remained trapped in the viciously surreptitious mists of Neverland?

Wendy continued to think over and over again. She tried to come up with various possible answers, but her thoughts were doubted by the taunting replica of Taehyung. She recalled his red eyes that were solid and alarming. She forced herself to be natural and to remain calm. She wanted to be brave and confident. 

Nonetheless, Wendy's soul, along with others passed away into a happier version of a Neverland.

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