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My feet carried me as fast as they could towards Mason. But Kong and the crawler fought in front of me.

"Shit." I exclaimed.

I ran around them feeling the water splash me from their fighting. Not thirty seconds ago, I was mad at James for doing something stupid as risking his life. Now look at me doing the same thing.

I can't explain it but I connected with Mason first on this expedition. She was my friend and I've lost enough to know that I don't want that feeling to return. So what I'm doing might seem suicidal, probably is, but I have to help her. I listened to James, and stayed with Brooks and San, but I've regretted every second of it.

Letting people sacrifice themselves so that I don't have to is not who I am. I came closer to the place Mason fell. I noticed Kong got rid of the Crawler.

Just as I was about to dive inside the river to get Mason, Kong showed up. I watched with wonder as he reached out into the water and pulled out his hand. He opened it to reveal an unconscious Mason.

Just then, the Crawler reappeared and bit into Kong's arm. He fell down tumbling with it as the water hit me. I'm thrown into a rock and ground. I groaned in pain feeling the old wound reopen.

But I get up and move out of the way before I get squished by these enormous creatures. My eyes widened when I saw Kong ripping out the Skull crawler's tongue and insides out.

He drops its body as if it was nothing and lowers Mason's body on the ground. I rush to her dropping on my knees. I check for a pulse and shake her a bit.

Footsteps are heard behind me and I know it's James. Mason opens her eyes and sits up abruptly. She spits out water and I hold her gently.

"Easy, breathe." I told her softly.

James dropped down next to us and looked at my head. I knew that there was probably another wound there, but I couldn't care less right about now. All that mattered was making sure Mason was okay.

"You're bleeding again." He commented.

My attention was on Kong however. He turned to look at us and I saw the humanity in him again. He slowly walked away and Mason hugged me. She cried tears of joy as I grinned. She's okay.

I pulled away and snuggled into James's chest. He wrapped his arms around me as all three of us sat there exhausted. I got up first helping Mason up. James put a hand on my back and guided us towards the boat. Slivko and Hank immediately rushed to our aid.

"They're alive." Hank said happily.

I chuckled as I entered the boat and sat down. James sat next to me as Hank started the engine. I am so grateful this is finally over. I could use a shower and some painkillers.

"Let's go home, fellas." He stated.

The engine roared to life and we were off. Trying to get home. My mind was filled with images of Riley. I kept the promise. I was coming back to her in one piece.

"Hold still." James told me.

He put a bandage on the bleeding cut and I winced. I've suffered way too many injuries on this trip. I'm not leaving my bed nor my pyjamas for the next few months.

"You'll probably need stitches when we get back." He stated.

I held his hand in mine. We were both soaked in water and my hair was in my face. But that was easily fixed as James put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Can't wait." I commented.

My voice was soft when saying it. His eyes gazed into mine as he stroked my cheek. How was it possible to learn to care for someone in a matter of days? Usually it takes weeks and plenty of dates. But with him, all it took was a moment.

Lost Together -> James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now