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Hank showed us a giant wrecked ship that the Iwis found before even he showed up.

"As far as I can tell, this ship washed up about ten years ago before I did." Hank explained.

"You've been here since 1944? And never got out?" I questioned.

Worry filled my voice. My eyes glanced to James who was already looking at me. My gut was right, wasn't it? We're not getting out of here. Just like Hank wasn't able to nor his friend.

"Yeah. What happened with the war? Did we win?" Hank asked.

"Which one?" Slivko questioned.

Hank went through the cracks of the ship and we followed him. It looked like it was here for centuries, not decades. This was a piece of history. Not a very great history we have, but it's important to learn from our mistakes.

"Huh. That makes sense." He commented.

We walked through rusty old corridors that used to be a part of a fancy ship. Now it had symbols all over it. I recognised some that were on the Iwis's spears. This must be one of their ways of writing.

"This is hallow ground for them. So if you like your hands, don't touch anything." Hank warned us.

I frowned as we entered what seemed to be the main area of the ship. It had cracks in the roof allowing sunlight in. Pieces of wood were lined on the side of it. Iwis really like their hallow ground.

"Look at that." Mason said in awe.

"Now would be a good time to get that camera out." I told her.

She hummed in agreement as we stepped closer inside. We might all die, but at least we'll leave something behind. Perhaps one day, someone else will find it and learn of our story.

"The way they tell it, for thousands of years, the people on this island lived in fear. It's hell of a long time to be scared. Then one day, the damnedes thing happened. Some things that they were afraid of started protecting them against the things that were eating them. But nothing lasts forever, I guess. This is where they honor the last of their saviours." Hank explained.

As you move, the wood shapes images explaining the history of Iwis. They were attacked by these lizard things and lived in fear of them. Just like we're afraid of everything on this island. Including Iwis at first.

The next image showed the gorilla we faced over the bones of two gorillas that matched his size. That must be his family, killed by something. We circled the main image in front of us. It showed the gorilla and the Iwis bowing to him.

"Yeah. That's Kong. He's king around here. He's God to these people. Kong's a pretty good king. Keeps to himself mostly. This is his home, we're just the guests." Hank explained.

Not from our experience. He attacked us immediately though I suspect why. I still didn't feel like a welcome guest on this island. More like food that is waiting to get served.

"But you don't go into someone's house and start dropping bombs unless you're picking a fight." Hank retorted.

I grimaced knowing we should've stopped them. If we had, those soldiers might have survived. We truly did threaten an entire ecosystem. Except this one is a little bit more complicated than most.

"Wasn't Kong the one that killed your friend?" Mason asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I had concluded the same thing. If they were here that long, it was logical that Kong would get angry and kill them. Or in this case, Hank's friend.

"No. One of them did. Kong's God on the island. But the devils live below us." Hank explained.

It was the lizard thing. I have a bad feeling about them. Out of every creature on this island, they're the ones we've heard the most about. Just like about Kong. If it's so feared, there must be a reason.

"And what are they called?" James questioned.

"The Iwis won't speak their name. But I call them Skull crawlers." Hank stated quietly.

"Why?" James asked equally as quiet.

"Cause it sounds neat." Hank stated.

I raised my eyebrows at his comment as James nodded. We shared a confused look. Usually when you name a creature, you do it because there's some similarity between the name and the thing itself.

"Look, I just made that name up. I'm trying to scare you." Hank explained.

"I'm fine calling them that. Are you cool with it?" Mason asked us.

"Yeah, totally." I agreed quickly.

"Yes, that seems like a good name." James mumbled.

"I like the name." Mason added.

But Hank saw through our lies. He didn't seem to mind too much though. It was as if he expected this kind of response. I really don't know why he calls them Skull crawlers, but he was here first. He named them.

"I've never said that name out loud before. It sounds stupid now that I say it. Just... you call them whatever you want. The big lizard things. Nasty, they come from the dents deep down. That's why Kong got so mad. Those bombs woke up a bunch of 'em. I'll tell you what, you're lucky that he's out there too because you wouldn't have made it this far. Crafty bastards, mean as hell. He can handle them as long as they get to him while they're still small. You don't want to wake up the big one." Hank retorted.

"How big is it?" San asked curiosily.

"Bigger. It wiped out his whole family. Kong is the last of his kind but he's still growing. You better hope he does. Because Iwis say once Kong goes, then the big one comes up." Hank explained.

James turned to him with a determined look in his eyes. That's his 'I have a plan' look. I just hope it's a good one and not a hopeful one. I don't think I can handle more hope.

"Listen, there's a refueling team coming to the North part of the island in three days." He stated.

"You should come with us." Mason offered.

So that is James's big plan. To bring Hank with us. I guess it makes sense. Hank knows the island better than we do and he could help us reach the extract site quicker.

"If we make it." I mumbled.

Mason looked at me confused. I shifted uncomfortably as I realised she didn't know of my doubts about our return. I couldn't tell her that I didn't think we were going to make it.

"Why wouldn't we?" She asked.

I didn't reply as Hank started laughing. James smiled at him obviously thinking that Hank agreed. I bit my lip as I looked at the two of them ignoring Mason.

"We're gonna get out of here." He stated.

"In three days?" Hank asked amused.

"Yes." James confirmed.

His smile however fell when Hank started lightly slapping him on the cheek. It was sort of a mocking gesture, but Hank didn't seem to want to mock James.

"You can't get to the North end in three days. It's impossible. That's it. No way." He protested.

My eyes widened as I realised my fear was justified. I didn't want to be right. My hands trembled and Mason noticed. She took them in her own and gave me a comforting smile.

"At least not on foot." Hank suddenly said.

Lost Together -> James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now