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           that she had to remind herself of harry and the conversation last night, was the blissful tingle within her chest and the heat between her legs as she fell back to sleep the previous night.

the older girl woke to evangeline sitting on her stomach and lightly pinching her cheeks until she had mustered the courage to throw evangeline off her with her unusually strong arms.

"why the bloody hell are you waking me up at-" she pauses looking over at the clock on her bedside table "seven a.m!"

"we have school today?" evangeline states in a questioning manner, even though it is a friday.

"oh shoot, how could i have forgotten, thank you angie" lucinda quickly jumps to her feet and races to her bathroom knocking past harry on the way there. he grimaces looking towards me with sympathetic eyes

"you want breakfast, pretty?" he questions while evangeline flushes a little at his pet name.

"he thinks i'm pretty!" she internally bubbles with the newfound information.

she nods getting to her feet "let me dress first and i'll be right down, thank you"

she shuts the door before he has even turned around, and rushes to get ready before school, she tugs off harry's shirt and her panties replacing them with a clean pair and putting on a bra.

today, evangeline decides to roll up the top of her school skirt so it's an inch or two shorter than usual- which brings it up past mid thigh - then she tucks in her school blouse and puts on a pair of her white thigh highs and finally i plonks her feet into the boring black school shoes they are forced to wear.

giddily she trods downstairs excited to see what harry has prepared for her breakfast, but mainly to see what he thinks of her short skirt, she was hoping to get some sort of reaction but didn't count on it.

upon coming downstairs her nose is blessed with the scent of blueberry pancakes and maple syrup.

"oh good lord," her mouth already watering at the smell.

harry looks up at her from his usual seat at the kitchen counter. his eyes drift down evangeline's body indiscreetly and down to her school skirt, he gulps softly and evangeline notices the tips of his ears go pink  it seems he cannot draw his eyes away from her upper thighs. her mother would have a fit if she saw how short it was.

"absolutely fucking not."  he looks at her sternly. "there is not a chance in hell that you are going to school like that, angel"

annoyed just a fraction she retorts "why not" fully aware she was coming off like a brat.

"do you have any idea what goes through teenage boy's heads when they see a pretty, vulnerable girl dressed in such short skirts?" he whisper-yells so he doesn't draw lucindas attention.

"no?" she softly murmurs feeling a little embarrassed, being caught out for trying to impress him. evangeline, of course, did know what went through teenage boys heads but it never really occurred to her considering she just want to get a reaction out of harry.

he sighs looking at her sad face "princess, i just don't want any little boys taking advantage of you, you know that" she nods looking down and fumbling with the bottom of her skirt.

"don't be sad, come here." he beckons opening up his arms, and she walks towards him and stands between his thighs placing her head into his neck to feel comfort.

until the pair hear cindy's footsteps thunder down the stairs and right before he lets go he whispers "but baby when we are alone, you can keep that skirt as short as you like."

evangeline gasps as he shoots her an almost unnoticeable wink before walking out just as cindy walks in.

"gee angie, you're as red as a tomato"

causing her to flush a deeper red when she hears harry chuckle from a room away, knowing full-well what he'd done to her.

over the next 20 minutes evangeline manages to scarf down, two and a half pancakes- she spilt the last one with cindy - coated in maple syrup and a glass of orange juice before racing upstairs with lucinda so they could brush their teeth and leave for school.

"i hate not being able to drive" evangeline  complains once getting into her bestfriend's slinky sliver car.

"you're only fifteen, when you turn seventeen- like me! - then you'll be able to"

"cindy lu, why can't i just drive now"

"you're too little" she patronises while patting the top of my head. "speaking of not being able to drive you places," evangeline groans not wanting to know what comes next.

"i can't drive you home after school, i have to coach cheer" evangeline groans louder and she pouts.

"not to worry,darling, as the best best friend ever i have gotten harry to pick you up, he didn't put up a fuss at all."
she giggled like a child on the inside, thinking of all her fetish schoolgirl fantasies being fulfilled.

"thanks cindy" she smiles a little, deviously.



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