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"harry, we need to talk."

"what is it, my love?"

she sat dumbfounded for a little while, she didn't know how to tell him let alone how to tell him.

he somehow understood, placing his hand softly upon her thigh, he comforted her.

"just say it, i'm always here to talk about anything you need."

evangeline smiled softly, he was so kind, he would surely understand.

"i just- i don't know if i'm ready for all this, harry."

"what do you mean?" his hand remaining atop her thigh.

"i don't think i can come with you."

"and why not?" she noticed his hand grip onto her thigh, not tightly but enough to be noticeable.

"i can't leave my family, i'm not ready to start a new life."

"but i can give you everything, angel. anything you want, you can have."

"that's the thing harry, how would i ever be able to be independent? how would i ever grow up, if you hand me everything on a silver platter." she sighs.

"i need to earn my successes,"

"so be it then, i'll let you work but that doesn't mean you need to stay here."

"harry, you're not understanding. i'm too young for all of this."

he scoffed, his hand tightening around her thigh, she ignored it.

"you weren't saying that when you were begging me to touch you."

"you're being so inconsiderate." evangeline points out trying not to rashly insult him.

"you're so much prettier with your mouth shut." harry's knuckles on his left hand whiten, as his grip around the steering wheels grows stronger.

evangeline sits back in shock, this was not the loving man she knew.

her mouth agape, words refuse to come to her lips as she tries to pretend she did not hear his insult.

her hands makes a futile attempt to brush his grip off her thigh. to no avail, he holds her thigh tighter, she can feel it slightly bruising.

maybe she was prettier with her mouth shut.

"harry, please stop, you're hurting me." her voice comes quietly in a whisper.

he does not stop.

"evangeline, you're fucking killing me."

"i'm sorry harry." she mumbles.

he relaxes slightly, but then she continues to speak.

"i'm sorry that i can't come with you but i love you."

something in her cautious tone, relaxed him, she still loved him, he thought.

he scoffs again, he shakes his head.

to evangeline he looks very angry, he is very angry.

"you love me?" he chuckles darkly.

"yes." she confirms.

"i doubt it."

"why?" her voice is soft, slightly afraid of him.

evangeline had never seen the man angry before, she never knew how threatening he could be.

now she saw the side of him that people were weary of, she guessed she didn't really know him at all.

"if you loved me, you wouldn't doubt me. you would come with me."

evangeline. °stylesWhere stories live. Discover now