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"do we need to stop for anything on the way, love"

"no that's okay harry."

"and your parents, how will they react to this."

"well they haven't contacted me for a couple weeks, i don't want to tell them."

"i'm sorry angie," his tired eyes focused on the road, concentrating.

"you don't have anything to apologise for, i'm happier with you."

harry couldn't stop himself from grinning, they were perfect together.

"let's play 20 questions." evangeline decided out of boredom.

"i'm pretty sure you're supposed to play that game when you're trying to get to know someone."

"yeah, but we don't know the little things about each other." she whined.

"okay, okay - what's your favourite colour?" harry asked.

"navy blue, as dark as the night sky." she sighed in awe.

"really?" he was taken aback. "i thought it would be pink."

"why?" she looked up at him.

"because you're very feminine." he teased.

she let out a laugh, "pink doesn't necessarily have to be feminine, boys can like pink too."

"i know, my favourite colour is pink." harry shrugged smiling.

she hummed in approval, "what type of pink?"

"the colour your cheeks turn when you blush."

evangeline's heart fluttered a little in her chest, but she decided to move on from what he just said.

"what's your favourite movie?"

he hummed for a minute, in deep thought. such a simple question but he could think of several movies he would pick.

"probably blue velvet, it's quite a controversial film."

"the david lynch one?" she asked, thinking about how she'd accidentally watched it with cindy a couple weeks ago.

harry looked at her incredulously, "you've watched it? that show is so graphic!"

he shook his head at her, he would've definitely deemed the show as inappropriate for her.

"harry, i'm sixteen not six."

"what else have you done that i don't know about?" harry interrogated her, thoughts now swirling in his mind about how perhaps this girl wasn't as innocent as she appeared.

she rolled her eyes and laughed at him, propping her legs up on the dashboard.

"i guess that's for me to know, and for you to find out." evangeline puts on a mysterious voice and drops her right eye in a wink.

this brings a smile to his lips,
"whatever you say, doll."

"where's your favourite place." she asks him continuing the game.

"verona, undoubtedly." his eyes held a nostalgic look in them.

"tell me about what it's like."

evangeline. °stylesWhere stories live. Discover now