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after the bathroom incident, evangeline felt like she didn't want to be away from harry.

for the most part, she wanted to catch up on the time they had missed out.

but there was a lingering piece of her that felt like if she left him alone he would find some beautiful woman.

however, as the two sat by the fire and played cards next to the hearth.

evangeline realised that she would rather live in doubt of his infidelity than without him altogether.

"go fish, princess"

"you're lying, i know you a have seven."

"i swear i don't" he cheekily grinned

out of nowhere, she tackled him to the ground he was already sitting on.

the little nymph straddled his waist and somehow manage to tug the cards from him tight grip, she laid them out on the ground beside his head.

she looked over them and found, not only did he have a single seven of clubs he also had two other sevens.

oh he was so getting it this time

she gasped in mock shock, at the revelation of his lies.

"you, mister have been very very bad."

the man smirked up at her,
"have i, darling"

"yes, and now it's time for your punishment." the girl sitting on top of him spoke out, trying to be as scary as possible.

pretending to play a dominant role, she was completely playing around, but she thought it would be funny to see how he reacted.

"actually angel, i think you deserve a punishment for being so bad hm" he tutted.

he sat up slowly, and leaned back on his forearms. he left the girl straddling his waist.

evangeline was a little bit in awe at how the man was so beautiful, his skin all light up in the firelight and the way his emerald irises glistened as if they were the finest jewels.

"kiss me," she begged softly, not being able to restrain herself anymore.

he tugged his lower lip between his teeth.

"use your manners" he watched as his little girl grew more aroused and frustrated as every second passed.

he liked seeing how weak he could make her.

"daddy, please, kiss me. i need you" she whimpered,

the man lent in and pressed him soft lips upon her's.

evangeline gasped at the contact, letting herself melt into his touch.

he slid his back against the base of a chair, to prop himself up more, letting his hands fall roughly upon her pert rear.

he harshly brought his hand down, leaving red hand prints on her cute behind.

she whined, arching her back into his, and grinding herself down upon his length.

he groaned, "i swear, keep going and i won't be able to control myself."

"then don't" she elicited, rotating her hips, and listening to her own little mewls escape as she pleasured both herself and him.

both to immersed in their own pleasure regime. the pair did not hear light footsteps pad down the stairs, then stop, then run to the base and stop right in front of them.

still the two, did not notice, until.

"i knew you two were fucking."

evangeline looked up into the eyes of her long-time bestfriend, she could not tell if the emotion on her face was disgust or joy, and that terrified her all the more.

oh no.

they pulled apart hurriedly, evangeline slid off harry and tried to calm her rushed breathing and cool her red cheeks.

harry tried his best to un-tousle his chestnut curls, as he coughed a little, to try clear the tension in the room.

"i swear cindy it's not what it looks like." evangeline stumbled out, anxious of what might come.

"well it looked like you two were doing something very freaky stuff, on my carpet."

"okay well it is exactly what it looks like, but it isn't what you think."

the weird grimace on lucinda's face turned into a large grin.

"i'm just kidding, i knew you both had something going on."

the guilty pair on the floor, looked up at her and at the same time asked "how?"

both in total surprise.

"well harry, brother dear, you make it so obvious you have a crush on angie. i swear, even a stranger would be able to tell."

"hey, that's not true." he retorted indignantly.

evangeline burst into a fit of giggles beside him.

"and when you left that night, angie, i knew it was because of harry."

evangeline shrugged, it was true.

"and then it was the way, harry incessantly asked me to help him find you and the way he was always checking his damn phone to see if you replied."

both harry and evangeline were quite embarrassed at these revelations.

"i mean, honestly, if you're going to do something illegal, you might as well cover your tracks well."
lucinda continued.

evangeline nodded taking this as a word of warning, the next time her and harry were caught.

they wouldn't be this lucky, that much was certain

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