Chapter Twelve Isabella's Pov (Edited)

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When I woke up I was in a cold cell.

"Oh looky boys the little puppys up," A vampire said.

I growled and showed my fangs to her.

"Awe is the mutt grumpy," One of the vampires hissed.

"Let me go," I growled.

"Not happening darling," Said the one voice that has haunted me.

"Brian," I growled.

"Yay the puppy speaks," The vampire said.

"Baby can you please go and watch tv I don't want you down here with this mutt," Brain asked the dumb blonde.

"I want to stay here with you though boo bear," She pouted.

"Fine but promise me you will go sit over there till i'm done," He said.

"Go get a room," I growled.

"Shut up mutt," Brain gowled.

I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and I then realised that he hit me. I snarled at him before trying to lunge at him, I felt something around my wrist and it stung.

"Awe is the mutt getting mad because she can't attack," Brian chuckled.

"If you let me go now nobody will get hurt," I said.

Brian growled before opening the cage and grabbing me by my throat.

"Darlin you ain't getting out of here ever," He said while chuckling.

Brian threw me up against the wall and when he did pain is all I felt all over.

I snarled at him while trying to shift, I was surprised that it worked I lunged at him again but before I could reach him he grabbed me from behind.

"Now mutt you want to act like a dog fine i'll treat you like one," Brian snarled.

"Yay I got a new puppy," The stupid blonde giggled.

I growled and when I did Brian flicked my nose. I growled at him again and when I did he flicked me yet again.

"If you keep that up it will get worse than a flick to the nose," Brian chuckled while grabbing the blonde and kissing her.

I closed my eyes and whimpered, all I could think about was my mate.

(I miss you James.) I whimpered.

"Awe is the poor mutt missing her family," The blonde hissed.

I went to lunge at her and when I did I felt something go around my neck.

I looked down and realised that they had put a special collar on me that prevents me from shifting back to my human form. They then put a leash on me.

"Now mutt come on and be good unless you want to go back in your cage," The blonde said.

I followed her outside with my head down, if it means that I have to be good to not go back to the cage than I would do anything. I feel like a broken house pet by the way they're treating me.

"If you continue to be a good girl you'll get fed tonight," She said.

"Sierra what have I told you about getting attached to your pets," Brian said.

So that's her name, I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry boo bear but she's pretty," Sierra said while petting me.

"I know she is baby girl but still," Brian said before going to kiss his mate.

I sent one last mindlink to my mate before blocking off my mind.

(James please help, old pack house, blood moon pack.)

"You better not be mindlinking anyone you mutt," Brian growled before grabbing a whip and hitting my back with it.

"Brian she didn't, now don't abuse my puppy," Sierra hissed.

"Don't worry i'll protect you Bell," She whispered it so that I was the only one who heard.

I put my head to the side while laying down. I put my head on my paws with a yawn, I then shifted so that I was at a newborn wolf size.

"Awe looky boo bear she's so cute," Sierra gushed.

"She's still not as cute as you are baby," He said.

Sierra picked me up and carried me inside with her and Brian.

"Why don't you go put her in her room then you come back down and I fix us something to eat," Brian asked his mate.

"Sounds good." Sierra said before taking me upstairs.

"I'm sorry about him he's normally not like this," Sierra said.

(It's okay I just want to go home.) I whimpered while snuggling up to the shirt that belonged to my mate.

"I know you do cause I do also," She said with a frown.

(Wait this isn't your home?) I asked in disbelieve.

"I'm not even his mate," Sierra said.

(I'm sorry.) I whimpered.

"I-i better go, go to sleep Bell i'll give you something good to eat later on," She said before leaving.

I laid back down on the doggy bed that Sierra put me on.

*At least it's somewhat comfortable,* I said to Alexia.

*Somewhat comfortable, it is comfortable,* Alexia said.

*I want to go home, I miss James,* I whimpered.

*I know you do baby girl cause I do to,* Alexia said with a whine.

*At least we have something with his scent on it though,* I said.

I laid down and curled up in a ball next to my mates shirt. A whimper escaped my lips knowing that I might not see my mate ever again and that I will be stuck here forever. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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