Chapter Nine

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Back to Bella

''Why does my one hand feel so warm and the other one so cold?'' I say to myself. I slowly open my eyes. I remember the car accident. I must be home now, or near death as I might be dreaming. Wait, you were opening your eyes. Aand OPEN!



Okay. Again, and OPEN.

More black.

Weird. Wait I was in a car accident so I'm in the hospital. Maybe I can do that thing the girl did in ''If I Stay'' and walk outside my body. Okay so focus. Uh, this is hard. And out of...

Why is my one hand being squeezed!


And stand next to bed. Why can't I? It can not be that hard. Okay, calm down. Try again.
Here I am still trying and not succeeding at all. Hmm maybe if I focus on the feeling in my hand. When have I felt it before. Uhm... It feels like the time when I was dancing with James at his prom. The tingles slowly spreading up your arm and then after a while warming your whole body. It also feels like the night I was dancing with Charlie. But that night the tingles felt like small sparks, now I'm feeling fireworks. So maybe someone is holding my hand. But who? Maybe James? Defnintly not Charlie. Now my nose is tingleling.

''Bye Bella.''

The voice said near my ears. I can feel the hot air on my cheeks. Then the tingleling on my nose came again. Defnintly James. James always gives me nose kisses when he says goodbye. My body is cold again. I really wonder why I can not open my eyes. How bad was this accident. Will I be able to ride again. If I was awake that would probaly send me off in tears in a snap.

I really hope I can ride again.
Still no out of body moments. All I hear now is the sounds of the hospital. The beeping of the heart monitor. This is really boring. What is wrong with me?

Why can they not just say it in my room?

Do they know I can hear them?

Why can I not open my eyes?


''I'm sorry that this happend to you. I... This was not intended.''

What! Who is talking?

''I really do not know what to say. Well for once I can talk without you interrupting me.''

Very funny. I still can not place the voice but it is a man.

''My mother always tells me, that it seems like the day my father left that all the care and love inside me left with him. Now every time something angers me, I lash out. Like how I did with Rango.''

Realisation hit me, Charlie. But why?

''It's hard to explain. I love my horses but I can not handle bad behavior. My temper is to short. That evening when I was dacing with you it felt like some of my troubles faded. But the next morning when I saw Rango in the stall, my blood started to boil. He could have hurt you. And then you saw me. And the lawsuit. My mother was right, you are a good one, but I might have ruined all my chances with you.''

He stayed quiet for a while. Just as I thought he left. He said one more thing.

''This lawsuit might just take the last thing away from me that actually means something, my ranch.''

If my jaw could drop it probally would. Wow. This is insane. I never thought there would be a deeper reason for this.
604 words
Im sorry it is short I known. Next chapter will be longer. This was realy hard to write.

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