Chapter Three

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''Well this buckle didn't win itself.'' I said to Mr. Blondeguy while slightly lifting my shirt showing my Texas team buckle that I won at a state competition in America. He did this weird opening and closing thing with his mouth, as if he couldn't believe a girl could ride broncs.

I dismounted of Rango and walked closer to who I think is Mr Odell. ''Hi I'm Annabella McCarthy. I'm here to view Megladon and Rango. Well I'm very interested in buying them.'' I said to him while removing my glove from my hand to shake his.

''I'm Charlie Odell.'' He said finally recovering from shock. He gave my hand a firm shake. ''Nice to meet you Charlie.'' I said. I gave Rango a little scratch behind his ear and rolled up my sturrips. Charlie opened the gate of the arena for me and I led Rango to his stable. Rango was nice and calm when we left him in his stall.

''Well thank you then. I think I'll just head to my motel for the night and then I will come and pick Rango and Don up tomorrow.'' I said to Charlie and Miss Odell. ''No need for that Annabella, you can stay here for the night. We have a guest room. Right mom?'' Charlie suddenly said. His mom looked surprised but nodded her head. ''Oh. Thank you very much. That is very kind of you.'' I thanked them as I loaded my tack into my truck and grabbed my over night bag.

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After a shower I was helping Miss Odell with dinner. ''So Miss Odell how long have you had the ranch?'' I asked. ''Oh please darling call by Donna. This ranch has been passed down from father to son for many generations. I'm not really sure.'' She replied. ''That must be great. I just bought my ranch.'' Donna handed me the plates so that I can put them on the table.

''So Annabella why did you buy a ranch here?'' Charlie asked me. ''I just really love this area of the country and one can breed really strong horses.'' I said to him. ''That is true.'' He agreed with me. ''Annabella, what job do you do?'' Donna asked me. ''Donna I breed horses and ranch with a few cattle and I'm soon starting my own law firm at my local town.'' I can't tell her about the rescue thing when I'm suspecting something here. ''So you are a lawyer?'' She asked. I nodded my head. ''Any boyfriend or love interest?'' I nearly chocked on my food when she asked that. Wow she's really getting personal here. ''No. None.'' I said while recovering from my chocking episode. ''Men these days, take all the trash while they leave the pretty and smart ones alone.'' Donna made her point clear by kicking Charlie under the table. Charlie has been eating his food minding his own business not bothering to follow the coversation, suddenly looks up quite confused. ''Charlie what are you doing tonight?'' His mom asked him. ''I might head into town for a few hours with my mates.'' He said while his mother just shook her head. They were quite funny together.

After dinner I went to my room to get ready for bed while Charlie had to help his mom with the dishes. After a while you could hear the dishwasher starting and Donna talking to Charlie in a hushed voice. A few minutes later someone knocked on my door. ''Yeah?'' I answered. ''My friends canceled on me. I was wondering I if could go show you the town?'' Charlie spoke through the closed door. It might be fun. I've never seen this town. ''Sounds fun. Just give me ten minutes.''

I slipped on a ripped skinny jean and my favourite cowboy boots. I just pulled on a comfortable shirt with stripes that had a semi halterneck fit and left my long wavy hair loose.
(Pic up top)

Charlie waited for me in the lounge. ''Ready?'' He asked. I nodded my head. We made our way to his truck and started the drive to town.

We drove to town in silence. His mother probally made him take me.

When we finally got into town and found the place we were looking for, Charlie parked up front. ''Come on lets go.'' We got out of the truck and I followed Charlie in to what looked like a bar or a club.

People in the club were dancing with each other or sitting at the bar. ''Can you dance?'' Charlie suddey asked me. ''Yeah but not like that.'' I said with a chuckle remembering how my friends tried to teach me how to dance with a partner. ''Ok. What do you drink?'' He asked while walking closer to the bar. ''Just a soda please.'' He gave me a funny look but bought me my soda while I found us a nice table, close to the dance floor.

''So where did you win that buckle.'' Charlie asked me. ''Oh, at a rodeo.'' I didn't want to give to much away. ''I also compete in rodeos.'' Charlie said. Just when I wanted to ask him what he does at them Fake Id by Big and Rich started playing. ''I love this song.'' I said jumping up. The people on the dance floor made a space for me as I joined them. We started doing the line dance. When I passed our table again I saw Charlie still sitting there. I danced over to him and pulled him up. I thought he was going to do the line dance with me but he pulled me to his chest and started to dance with me. Our hands fitted perfectly into each other. We glided over the floor. It felt really good. It felt right. Not akward like the time some buckle rabbit tried to dance with me in America.

''You know that was the first time ever that I sucessfully danced with a partner.'' I said to Charlie. ''Well I'm a good teacher.'' I giggled at him. I don't think it was just that. While we were dancing it was as if we had a connection, a perfect rythm.

Charlie and I danced a little more that night. The drive home was way to short as we couldn't stop talking. We mostly talked about rodeo and how I rode in America. He told me a little about rodeo riding in South Africa.


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