Chapter Three

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Tnari, around mid-afternoon...

Jennie groaned as she rolled over to only have something slightly tickle her nose. She tried opening her eyes, but bright sunshine kept blinding her. I must have forgotten to close the blinds again. Then jerked awake when she remembered the two aliens, the gas station, and the weird powder she accidentally inhaled.

Coughing slightly, she tried opening her eyes again and finding it was much easier to do than when she was half drugged. Sitting up slowly, she covered her eyes with one hand and looked around.

She was sitting on the greenest grass she had ever seen. It almost looked fake, but she knew it was real from the earthy scent that wafted up to her nose. There were trees as tall as skyscrapers nearby and had left with various shades of blue, purple, and red. The bark on the trees was as white as a sheet of paper and looked just as smooth. The breeze that softly swept through the trees, brought a delicate smell of what could only be wildflowers somewhere off in the distance.

She guessed the season was around late spring or maybe early summer. From the looks of how vibrant and warm everything was. Jennie was looking around when off to her right were the most ridiculous creatures she had ever seen.

They were some kind of weird combination of a horse and a lizard. They had strange saddles with handles mounted on them and they were secured by straps that fit more like a harness than a saddle. No bridles or any other means of guidance gear to be seen on them.

The bright colors and patterns were the oddest thing about them. One was a bright green and the other a soft pink color. She would almost giggle if it wasn't for the fact she knew she was no longer on Earth.

That was when she heard that sexy, masculine voice speak up behind her, "I am glad to see you awake my female. It is time to head home."

Jennie turned as quickly as she was able to the source of that erotic-sounding voice and realized it came from Mr. Mohawk. Frowning she cocked her head to the side before speaking, "How come I can understand you now? When before I could not. What have you done to me alien? I know you have done something! I am also not your female!"

The silver-haired male just shrugged his shoulders and then glanced at the other one before heading off towards the two odd animals that were munching on some grass. Sighing, the other one turned towards her and spoke, "We call it Zini or to put it close to Earth terms... the Biome Lani shared her essence with you and now it is helping you understand our language.

I see from the look on your face that this is not something that happens regularly in your world. However, I assure you Tayari, that it is quite safe. You were given a sleeping draught to make the transition much easier. Which is a common practice in our world."

Jennie slowly came to her feet and ignored the outstretched hand of the other male. Brushing her clothes off she said, "Basically this Lani put some kind of microbe or nanodevice in me and now I can understand you? You are telling me I have alien tech in me? Where is she and how can I get this removed? You can't just go around abducting people and doing shit like this! Also, what is a Tay-ar-ee? I am also sooo not his female!"

She was more than pissed to find out that this Lani person stuck some foreign bodies in her and now it is acting as a translator. Then she was over the fact that mister sexy over there called "his female". Also, if she wasn't so upset, she would be rather intrigued by the notion of advanced technology inside herself. Not to mention, some words were not translated at all. She hoped that Tayari was a nice word for female or else she would be decking this guy soon!

"What is a microbe or nano? I think these words are not coming across very well. I also do not know what "tech" is, but I assure you that this is needed. How else will you understand your Prime and mate?

A Warrior's Claim - Currently marked as Unpublished on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now