Chapter 1 Discovering the truth

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Stella Way sighs as she sits in her last class of the day. She hated Math class and thought it was useless. She plays with her long black braided hair idly, waiting on the final bell to ring.

Amy Iero tapped her pencil against her notebook, watching the minutes slowly tick by. It was almost time to head home for the weekend.

Stella looks over at Amy and smirks when the bell rings finally. Stella stays behind to walk with Amy because they lived across the road from one another. Stella leans against the door waiting for her only friend.

"Finally school is over," Amy said when she got to Stella

"Yup. Time to go back to hell that we live in." She meant their foster homes. Both she and Amy didn't have a mom or dad, so they were put in foster homes.

Amy laughed,"Wish we could just run away," she eyed a pair of Dracs at the entrance to the school.

The Dracs watch the students leave. They pay special attention to Stella and Amy for a reason Stella did not know. "Do you notice everytime we pass a Drac, they keep eyes strict on us?"

"Yeah I have noticed that. Wonder why that is?" She looked back at the Dracs

Stella glares as they get out of sight of the Dracs. She looks up at the fence and spots some posters. "What are theses Amy?"

She reads them for a minute,"aren't these those Killjoys who keep giving Bl/i trouble?"

"Yeah, I think so. There are alot of them, aren't there?" Stella says as she pulls one down.

"Yeah but I think they are the leaders or something," she looks closely at Fun Ghouls poster.

Stella looks at Party Poison's poster. She raised an eyebrow and looks at Amy. "Why does this Party Poison look so familiar to me?"

"um Stella, he kind of looks like you," she looked between Stella and Party's poster

Stella studies the poster and then looks at Fun Ghoul's. "He looks like you Amy."

"Wow he does. could we be related to them somehow?" she looked around to see if anyone was listening

They where on the street by themselves. Stella stares at Party's poster and sighes. "I think we should looks into the but do it so no one knows, okay?"

Amy nodded,"yeah we would get in trouble if anyone found out what we were doing," she took down the Fun Ghoul poster

Stella nods and puts Party's poster in her school bag. She heads into her foster home to do her research.

Amy researched most of the night and hurried the next morning to meet up with Stella

Stella was waiting for her at the park near their foster homes. She was on the swings. She spotted Amy and slowly stopped swining. She waves to her friend.

Amy ran the rest to Stella,"so what did you find out?"

"Party Poisons real name is Gerard Way. He was the lead singer for a band named My Chemcial Romance up until the war. He had a wife named Lyn-Z, but she was killed a few days into the war." Stella looks at Amy. "My moms name was Lyn-Z. The date of her death matchs up."

"You found out a lot about him," she pulls out her notes about Ghoul," Fun Ghoul's real name is Frank Iero. He played guitar for My Chemical Romance. He had a wife named Jamia but she died a little after the war started too,"

"Isn't that when your mom died to?" Stella asked as she played with her braid.

Amy nodded sadly,"yeah it is."

"You don't think Fun Ghoul and Party Poison are our dads, do you?" Stella asked.

"I think they are our dads," she said sitting on a swing.

"But they live in the desert, beyond Battery walls. No one can escape the city."

Amy sighed,"yeah there are guards at every entrance to the city," she got a idea,"what about the tunnels under the city?"

"You mean the old subway tunnels?" Stella asked.

She nodded,"Yeah the old subway tunnels,"

"There is a chance they are unguarded. I dont know if anyone remembers them at all Amy." Stella said and played with her orange Yo-Yo. She only brought it out when she thought no dracs where around to take it away from her for being too fun.

"Might be a good idea to leave at night," Amy said looking around to make sure no Dracs were around.

"Why not tonight? I am so sick of living in this white town. I need color."

Amy laughed,"lets leave tonight,"

"Lets get everything ready while the sun shines. Meet back here at the park for our escape." Stella says and pockets her Yo-Yo.She stands up.

Amy runs home and packs her book bag with stuff she would need.

Stella packs her clothes, some food and water. She also packs a map she swiped off a drac once. Around sunset, she goes to meet Amy.

Amy hid in the shadow of a old oak tree waiting for Stella to show up. She was getting nervous waiting for Stella.

Stella walks up to the old oak and lets out a whistle only her and Amy know.

She poked her head around the tree,"Hey ready to run?"

Stella nods and smirks. She slowly lead Amy through the streets and to the boarded up subway entrance. Stella wonders how to get in with it being boarded up.

Amy finds a few loose boards near the bottom,"hey we can pull these off and crawl through them,"

Stella nod and helps Amy pry the boards free. Stella then pushed their bags in and wiggled in herself.

Amy looked around to make sure no one was watching and wiggled in after Stella.

Stella pulls out a flashlight and turns on its dimmest setting so not to attract attention. She grabs her bag and Amy's hand and leads on.

Amy follows her, jumping at every small noise.

"Did you notice Dad and the others have different names instead of their true names?" Stella said softly as they walked.

"I did notice that," said Amy.

"I wonder why." Said Stella before they hide from a group of Dracs going back to the city.

Amy pressed herself against the wall, hoping the Dracs didn't see them.

Stella let out a breath once the Dracs where out of sight. She sits down next to the track and sighs.

"I thought they didn't use these tunnels,' whispered Amy.

"I thought they didnt either." Said Stella. She gets up and leads Amy again.

Amy followed her,"Hope we don't run into anymore."

Stella nods and yelps as she trips on the railing for the old subway cars. She holds her ankle in pain.

"Stella! Are you ok?" she drops to her knees next to her friend

"I felt my ankle pop and a fire shot up my leg. How bad is it?" Her ankle is swollen and slightly bruised.

Amy checked Stella's ankle," It's starting to swell and there is a bit of bruising."

"I don't think I can put weight on it Amy. Do you think I could lean on you? I dont think we have much further to go." Stella whimpers.

"Yes you can lean on me. I can see the end of the tunnels." Amy said helping Stella up.

Stella leans on Amy as they walk towards the end of the tunnel. Stella groans as the harsh light of the desert sun hit her eyes. "Wow it is bright."

"Yeah it is bright." She looks around,"Wonder which way we should go."

Stella sits on a boulder just outside the tunnel exit and pulls out a map of the zones. She studies it with a confused look.

Amy sat next to her,"where did you get that map?"

" Before I met you I would take stuff off people just for fun. I pulled this off a drac while he was busy calming a kid down. I don't think he ever noticed."

"Glad you didn't get in trouble." She looks at the map."Wonder which Zone our dads are in."

"No idea. Looks like we have eight Zones to go through and they can be in any one of them."

Amy pointed at Zone 1 . "I don't think they would be that close to Battery City."

Stella nods,"I dont think our dads whould be that stupid. I think zone two whould also not work because they are still close."

"Head to zone 3 then?"

Stella nods and looks around. She finds a stick on the ground and picks it up. "Think you can make a brace from this and an old shirt Amy?" Stella asked as she handed the stick and old shirt over.

"Yeah I can." She takes the stuff and makes a brace for Stella's ankle.

Stella winchs when Amy ties the brace around her ankle. "Not a bad job."

"Thanks. Can you put weight on it?"

Stella slowly gets up and gently puts weight on her ankle. "Alittle, but I wont be able to run if that comes into play."

Amy sighs," I hope we don't run into any Dracs." She looks around."Come lets get going."

Stella nod and limps as she walks with Amy for Zone 3.

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