Chapter 16: The Voice of Rage and Ruin

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Sam's world turned completely inside out. The salt water that streamed down her face became tears of joy, and her shout was jubilation. The car was not transporting her to a more secure facility, but to freedom! Words from a hundred different voices all tried to tumble out of her mouth at once. What she said was, "You came back!"

Coquette gave her a sarcastic smirk. "'Course."


"I told you. I've got connections."

Sam couldn't understand what was happening. She almost didn't want to understand, as though the dream was so fragile that if she pressed it, it would burst. When Coquette tried to help her with the ropes, Sam took her hands and held them to her face, letting out a fresh stream of tears and snot. Coquette took it in stride.

"Sure, babe. I love you, too. Now let me help you get untied."

Suddenly, the car veered sharply to the side and revved its engine to full speed. The turn threw Coquette and Sam into the bare wall with Sam's heavy tail pinning Coquette's leg. "What's happening?" Sam asked.

"Our cover's blown. Damn!" Coquette reached for a handheld walkie-talkie and yelled into it, "Where are we?"

It hissed. "Southbound on I-805. Fuckers've got all the cops in the state after us."

"Plan B. Get to the water."

"Roger that."

Coquette turned to Sam. "We're going to have to get you out of that, stat." She had a knife, but chewing through the tough ropes took so long that Sam's efforts at detangling were making more progress. The car jolted again and Coquette nearly stabbed her in the gut.

Outside, the armored car raced down highways with a million police cars in pursuit, bursting through panic-ridden streets, knocking over fruit stands. Dozens of helicopters buzzed overhead.

"Route 54, the marsh!" Coquette barked into the walkie-talkie. "We've got a surprise for them."

"Got it." The car jolted again.

"Sam," she said, "I'm going to need your help."

Sam nodded.

"We're going to need a storm."


"Can you make me a storm?"

"No." What kind of question is that?

"Yes, you can, Sam. Please, whip up a storm. I'm counting on you."


"Start with wind, mostly. And choppy seas. We need hurricane levels, fast."

"You're saying I can make storms?"

"Of course. You're a mermaid. Mermaids make storms, crash ships."

"Coquette, how many powers do I have? When were you going to tell me this?"

"Sam, now!"

"I don't know how!" She panicked. "You do it! Get the stone, switch places. You know how to do it, right?"

"If I had the stone, do you think I'd be arguing with you?"

"You don't? You don't... have it?" This revelation sunk into Sam's shoulders like cold water. She had thought that her escape would mean going back to her old self, her old body. She thought she could give up the tail and be human again.

"She's trying," Coquette shouted into the walkie-talkie. "Give her time."

"Didn't Andy have it?" Sam wept.

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