We need to talk

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Charles's POV

I read the note, they were so many things on this simple piece of paper. I was pretty much shocked that he wanted to came out to me before to all his friends. I remembered his eyes, the day when the light seems broken. Was that the reason? I'll never know, because he don't want to talk about it. It's no big deal for me, I am too, but he said that for his parents, it's the biggest mistake he've ever made. He didn't even chose to be gay, it's not in the choices of these form that you have to form up when you chose your classes is eight year. You don't choose to be gay, the same way you don't chose who you're having a crush on.

When he left my house this morning, he seemed so mad that I wondered why he even wrote this note. Why was he so mad at me when I wanted to talk with him? Maybe I should have run after him and demanded him to speak. Later that day and the following ones, I tried to called and SMS him but he never answered me back. I started to be mad and I cried, I cried because I didn't want to have messed things up already. On the fifth day without any news I decided to go knock at his door. He answered me, he wasn't shaved and he look like a mess, but still, he was the prettiest man I've ever seen. I resisted to not jump into his arms, but only because I was supposed to be mad.

"What", he said

"We need to talk", I claimed

"Go for it",

"Not here", I finally answered taking him by the hand. We went for a ride in my car. We didn't talked that much, actually I had to stop and turn to see him. I told him I wanted to talk about the note.

"No", he said rudely


"Because, when i wrote it, I didn't thought we were going to be friends, I didn't know that we were going to the same college", he said, practically yelling at me.

"I'm sorry I became your friends", I was now yelling too, he was coming closer to my face, "I'm sorry I haven't read the note before, I don't think it's such a big deal, anyways it is not for..."

He never let me finished my sentence, he kissed me, his lips were soft, it tasted salty, I moved mine, but I was pretty shocked. The kiss was one of the most beautiful thing I ever felt in my life. I completely enjoyed it.

He finally pushed me back, said sorry and got out of the car in like fifteen second, before I even realized what just happened. Why did he escaped. Maybe I wasn't a good kisser, maybe I wasn't good enough for him. I tried to catch him back, but we were close of his house and by the time I realized I should run to him, he was already locked in his room.

I went back to my house, I took a shower and cried, cried so much that I couldn't know if it was water from the shower or simply my tears.

I tried to call him, I would do everything for him, but he never answered me back, he never opened the door for me. That last for a week, it's seemed forever to me. Friday after the kiss, he finally came. He declared it himself this time, we need to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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